FIDEL DR2 data product FITS header example

This example shows the FITS header for a MIPS image from the FIDEL data products release DR2: fidel_ecdfs_70_p12_v0.50_sci.fits (FIDEL ECDFS 70 micron combined epoch 1+2 (photometry mode) version 0.50 science image).


SIMPLE  =                    T / FITS standard
EXTEND  =                    F / File may contain extensions                    
BITPIX  =                  -32 / Bits per pixel                                 
NAXIS   =                    2 / Number of axes                                 
NAXIS1  =                  623 / Number of positions along axis 1                
NAXIS2  =                  574 / Number of positions along axis 2            

          / DATA FLOW KEYWORDS                                                  

ORIGIN  = 'NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 2003' / FITS file originator
DATE    = '2007-09-12T00:41:09' / Date FITS file was generated
IRAF-TLM= '17:41:09 (11/09/2007)' / Time of last modification
OBJECT  = 'FIDEL ECDFS 70 microns epochs 1+2' / Name of the object observed
TELESCOP= 'Spitzer '           / Spitzer Space Telescope
INSTRUME= 'MIPS    '           / Spitzer Space Telescope instrument ID
CHNLNUM =                    2 / This image: 1=24um,2=70um,3=160um
IMGTYPE = 'sci     '           / Image Type
COMMENT   Science data image
FDP_VER = 'v0.50'               / FIDEL data product version number
FILENAM = 'fidel_ecdfs_70_p12_v0.50_sci.fits' / Data product file name


OBSRVR  = 'Mark Dickinson'     / Observer Name (Last, First)
OBSRVRID=                  110 / Observer ID of Principal Investigator
PROCYCL =                    6 / Proposal Cycle
PROGID  =                30948 / Program ID
PROTITLE= 'A Deep-Wide Far-Infrared Survey of Cosmological Star Formation and A'
PROGCAT =                   27 / Program Category

          / TARGET AND POINTING INFORMATION                                     

CRVAL1  =            53.111631 / [deg] RA at CRPIX1,CRPIX2
CRVAL2  =           -27.816938 / [deg] DEC at CRPIX1,CRPIX2
RA_HMS  = '03h32m26.791s'      / [hh:mm:ss.sss] CRVAL1 as sexagesimal
DEC_DMS = '-27d49m00.98s'      / [] CRVAL2 as sexagesimal
RADESYS = 'ICRS    '           / International Celestial Reference System
EQUINOX =                2000. / Equinox for ICRS celestial coord. system
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN'           / RA projection type
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--TAN'           / DEC projection type
CRPIX1  =           311.945775 / Reference pixel along axis 1
CRPIX2  =           287.359333 / Reference pixel along axis 2
CDELT1  =         -0.001111111 / [deg/pix] Scale for axis 1
CDELT2  =          0.001111111 / [deg/pix] Scale for axis 2
CROTA2  =                   0. / [deg] Orientation of axis 2 (W of N, +=CW)

          / DATA UNITS

BUNIT   = 'MJy/sr  '           / Units of image data
OFLUXCNV=                 702. / Orig. FLUXCONV for BCD images [(MJy/sr)/(DN/s)]
FLUXZERO=              0.37607 / Flux conversion for this image [mJy/data unit]