Data Access

Spitzer Extragalactic First Look Survey WIYN/Hydra Dereddened Line Ratios and Extinction Catalog

Extragalactic FLS Overview

The Extragalactic First Look Survey is composed of 4 square degrees of imaging with MIPS and IRAC centered at J1718+5930, with extensive ancillary data from ground-based optical and radio telescopes. As one of the first observations made with Spitzer after the completion of Science Verification at the end of 2003 November, the aim of this 67 hr survey was to characterize the extragalactic source populations observed with Spitzer down to sub-millijansky levels in the mid-infrared.

Details about the WIYN/Hydra observations can be found in Marleau et al. (2007).

XFLS WIYN/Hydra Dereddened Line Ratios and Extinction Catalog Column Descriptions

IRSA serves the XFLS WIYN/Hydra Dereddened Line Ratios and Extinction Catalog (16 columns, 772 data rows).

Name Intype Units Description
IDnumber int Identification number
Field char Field
APID char AP identification
ra double deg Right Ascension (J2000)
dec double deg Declination (J2000)
Balmer_dcr double Balmer decrement
EBV double mag E(B-V)
Av double mag A_V
Log_Ha double erg/s Log of dereddened Halpha luminosity
Log_radio double W/Hz Log of 1.4 GHz luminosity
Log_MIPS double W/Hz Log of 24 micron MIPS luminosity
SFR_Ha double solMass/yr Star formation rate derived from Halpha
SFR_radio double solMass/yr Star formation rate derived from 1.4 GHz
Ratio_1 double log([OIII](5007)/Hbeta(4861))
Ratio_2 double log([NII](6585)/Halpha(6563))
Ratio_3 double log([SII](6716+6731)/Halpha(6563))