Data Access
Spitzer First Look Survey (FLS) -- NOAO ELAIS N1 -- R
You can get a close-up map of a region by clicking on any area in red on the above image, or by typing a coordinate below.
Deep test images with MIPS and IRAC were taken in the ELAIS N1 field during early Spitzer nominal operations. These data will be made available as part of the Spitzer First Look Survery (FLS)
The National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) provided four nights of Director's Discretionary time for an R-band survey with the MOSAIC camera on the Kitt Peak 4m telescope to support the FLS. These included observations of the ELAIS N1 field, originally planned to be a part of the FLS. This region of sky is now part of the SWIRE Legacy program. The pointings are outlined in this figure and in the image above.
If you publish results based on these data, please use this paper reference and acknowledgment.
NOTE: These data are also available from the Spitzer Science Center and the NOAO Science Archive. The headers of the FITS files available here have minor changes to make them fully FITS compliant; the science content is unchanged. Details of the header changes are here.
The available images are represented as red overlays on the 2MASS background sky mosaic image above. SExtractor catalog sources, bad pixel and exposure maps are available on the search results pages, for the associated images. Either type in a coordinate or click on any red region to get a close-up of the area; the size of the search is adjustable.
Also available are FLS ELAIS N1 R band image "cutouts" using IRSA's Cutouts Service, which is a general tool to create single or multiple small FITS (and JPEGs) image cutouts of datasets archived at IRSA.
Click here for more information and instructions on using Atlas Instructions
Also available is a Program Interface to Atlas.
Target Selection Single Object
(Name or Coords)
Table Upload
(Multi Object) Instructions
Size (deg):
[maximum 4.0]
Images must cover coordinate
Coordinate Examples:
  • 242.76971 +54.47632 eq
  • 16h11m04.73s +54d28m34.7s Equ J2000
  • 84.17495 +44.75951 ga
  • ELAISR20 J161104+542834
Default: Equatorial J2000