Data Access
Spitzer First Look Survey -- Ancillary VLA Data
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Mosaic of 35 VLA pointings taken during 2001 and 2002, representing 240 hours in B-array at 1.4 GHz. The image is fully calibrated and corrected for primary-beam attenuation and sky-curvature distortion. The data have been convolved with a Gaussian to yield a 5.0 arcsec FWHM circular beam. The average rms noise is about 23 microJy/beam. The pixel size is 1.5 arcsec.     J.J. Condon, W.D. Cotton, and Q.F. Yin (NRAO)

The hundred brightest extracted radio components (with peak intensities ranging from 221 to 5.6 milliJy/beam) are also shown, with the symbols scaled by peak intensity.
The Spitzer First Look Survey (FLS) is the initial Director's Discretionary Time program executed on the observatory. The extragalactic component is composed of 4 square degrees of imaging with MIPS and IRAC centered at J1718+5930. We have obtained data with the VLA of this field. Available to the public is a catalog of radio sources along with a mosaic of 35 VLA pointings taken during 2001 and 2002, representing 240 hours in B-array at 1.4 GHz. The FLS data coverage is represented in the VLA image with overlays above. The brightest point source information is shown in yellow. Click here for more information on the FLS VLA dataset.
Also available are FLS VLA image "cutouts" using IRSA's Cutouts Service, which is a general tool to create single or multiple small FITS (and JPEGs) image cutouts of datasets archived at IRSA.
For a detailed description of the FLS/VLA survey, see Condon, J.J., Cotton, W. D., Helou, G., Shupe, D. L., Soifer, B. T., Storrie-Lombardi, L. J., & Werner, W. M, 2003, AJ, 125, 2411-2426. If you publish results based on the FLS/VLA survey, please reference this paper.
For more information on the Spitzer First Look Survey, click here.
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Target Selection Single Object
(Name or Coords)
Table Upload
(Multi Object) Instructions
Size (deg):
[maximum 1.0]
Source Search Radius:
[maximum 0.5 deg]
Search Whole Region
Coordinate Examples:
  • 259.7373 60.3533 eq
  • 17h18m57s 60d21m12s Equ J2000
  • 89.33984 34.69237 ga
  • WN B1718+6023
Default: Equatorial J2000