Data Access

GOODS MIPS 24 micron Photometry Catalog Definitions

The GOODS MIPS 24 micron Photometry Catalogs present MIPS 24 micron measurements of sources in the GOODS-N and GOODS-S fields. For more details see the documentation: N, S.

GOODS MIPS 24 micron Photometry Catalog Column Descriptions

Gator serves the GOODS-N MIPS 24 micron Photometry Catalog (9 columns, 1199 data rows) and GOODS-S MIPS 24 micron Photometry Catalog (9 columns, 948 data rows).

Name Intype Units Description
SrcID int Source number
ra real deg Right Ascension (J2000) of MIPS 24 micron source
dec real deg Declination (J2000) of MIPS 24 micron source
RA_IRAC real deg Right Ascension (J2000) of prior IRAC source (-1 if no IRAC prior)
DEC_IRAC real deg Declination (J2000) of prior IRAC source (-1 if no IRAC prior)
S_24 real microJy Flux density of MIPS 24 micron source
S_24_err real microJy Uncertainty in derived 24 micron flux density
IRAC_Tag int Set to 1 if there is IRAC coverage
Extended_Tag int Set to 1 if source is extended at 24 microns