Data Access

GOODS IRS 16 micron Catalog Definitions


The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) aims to unite extremely deep observations from NASA's Great Observatories (Spitzer, Hubble and Chandra), ESA's Herschel and XMM-Newton, and the most powerful ground-based facilities. The aim is to survey the distant universe to the faintest flux limits across the broadest range of wavelengths.

GOODS surveyed 150 square arcminutes in each of the two GOODS fields (North and South), to an average 3 sigma depth of 40 and 65 microJy, respectively. These sources have been cross-correlated with Spitzer, Chandra, and HST measurements in other bands.

Name Intype Units Description
ID int Source ID
ra double deg Right Ascension (J2000)
dec double deg Declination (J2000)
Cov int Coverage in number of exposures.
Exposure times were 30s in GOODS-N and 60s in GOODS-S.
S3_6 double microjy 3.6 micron flux density
e_S3_6 double microjy 3.6 micron flux density uncertainty
S4_5 double microjy 4.5 micron flux density
e_S4_5 double microjy 4.5 micron flux density uncertainty
S5_8 double microjy 5.8 micron flux density
e_S5_8 double microjy 5.8 micron flux density uncertainty
S8 double microjy 8 micron flux density
e_S8 double microjy 8 micron flux density uncertainty
S16 double microjy 16 micron flux density
e_S16 double microjy 16 micron flux density uncertainty
S24 double microjy 24 micron flux density
e_S24 double microjy 24 micron flux density uncertainty
zspec double Spectroscopic redshift
r_zspec int Reference for the spectroscopic redshift:
1 = Le Fevre et al. 2004
2 = Szokoly et al. 2004
3 = Croom et al. 2001
9 = K20 Survey, Mignoli et al. 2005
11 = Strolger et al. 2004
30 = Vanzella et al. 2005
41 = Popesso et al. 2009
42 = Balestra et al. 2010
62 = Doherty et al. 2005
70 = Ravikumar et al. 2007
72 = Stern et al. 2011
81 = Kriek et al. 2008
Xdet int X-ray detection flag
SBF double 1e-15 mW m^-2 Soft X-ray flux
HBF double 1e-15 mW m^-2 Hard X-ray flux
Star int Star flag
Ratio double 16 micron concentration index:
ratio of aperture flux in 6" and 2" radii.
Ncf int Number of 8 micron sources within 4 arcsec
Ncf16 int Number of 16 micron sources within 5.4 arcsec
Q int Quality flag:
bit 0 = included in the catalog
bit 1 = more than one 16 micron source within 5.4 arcsec; possible confusion
bit 2 = source concentration differs from that expected for point source
bit 3 = S/N < 5, but coverage indicates it should be higher
bit 4 = source with coverage of two exposures instead of three
E int Extended source flag
Bmag double mag HST B magnitude
Vmag double mag HST V magnitude
Imag double mag HST I magnitude
zmag double mag HST z magnitude
eBmag double mag HST B magnitude uncertainty
eVmag double mag HST V magnitude uncertainty
eImag double mag HST I magnitude uncertainty
ezmag double mag HST z magnitude uncertainty
Icls int Number of I-band sources within 1 arcsec