|  Column Name |  Data Type  |     Units     | Description   |
     SrcID        integer            -         Source number
     ra           real             degrees     J2000.0 right ascension of MIPS 24 micron source
     dec          real             degrees     J2000.0 declination of MIPS 24 micron source
     RA_IRAC 	  real             degrees     J2000.0 right ascension of prior IRAC source (-1 if no IRAC prior)
     DEC_IRAC 	  real             degrees     J2000.0 declination of prior IRAC source (-1 if no IRAC prior)
     S_24  	  real             microJy     Flux density of MIPS 24 micron source
     S_24_err  	  real             microJy     Uncertainty in derived 24 micron flux density 
     IRAC_Tag     integer             -        Set to 1 if there is IRAC coverage
     Extended_Tag integer             -        Set to 1 if source is extended at 24 microns