Data Access

MIPSGAL 24 micron Catalog Column Descriptions


The MIPSGAL Survey is a Legacy Program of the Spitzer Space Telescope that imaged the 24 and 70 micron emission along the inner disk of the Milky Way (Carey et al. 2009). These mid-infrared bands are sensitive to the thermal emission radiated by interstellar dust grains that reside within a broad range of environments such as the envelopes of evolved stars, circumstellar disks and infalling envelopes surrounding young stellar objects, HII regions, supernova remnants, and the extended domains of dense, interstellar clouds. With its primary 24 micron band, MIPSGAL provides a critical wavelength measurement, which links the near infrared data from 2MASS and GLIMPSE to the far-infrared/submillimeter information for both point sources and diffuse emission.

For details on how the MIPSGAL 24 micron Catalog (high quality) and Archive (more complete) were created, see the documentation. If you use these catalogs, please cite Gutermuth & Heyer (2015).

Name Intype Units Description
L double deg Galactic longitude
B double deg Galactic latitude
ra double deg Right Ascension, (J2000)
dec double deg Declination, (J2000)
FNU_24 double mJy 24 micron flux density
SIGMA_FNU_24 double mJy Uncertainty in 24 micron flux density
MAG_24 double mag 24 micron magnitude (Vega)
SIGMA_MAG_24 double mag Uncertainty in 24 micron magnitude
FNU_J double mJy J band flux density
SIGMA_FNU_J double mJy Uncertainty in J band flux density
FNU_H double mJy H band flux density
SIGMA_FNU_H double mJy Uncertainty in J band flux density
FNU_KS double mJy K band flux density
SIGMA_FNU_KS double mJy Uncertainty in J band flux density
FNU_3_6 double mJy 3.6 micron flux density
SIGMA_FNU_3_6 double mJy Uncertainty in 3.6 micron flux density
FNU_4_5 double mJy 4.5 micron flux density
SIGMA_FNU_4_5 double mJy Uncertainty in 4.5 micron flux density
FNU_5_8 double mJy 5.8 micron flux density
SIGMA_FNU_5_8 double mJy Uncertainty in 5.8 micron flux density
FNU_8_0 double mJy 8 micron flux density
SIGMA_FNU_8_0 double mJy Uncertainty in 8 micron flux density
WISE_NAME char WISE name
FNU_W1 double mJy WISE band 1 flux density
SIGMA_FNU_W1 double mJy Uncertainty in WISE band 1 flux density
FNU_W2 double mJy WISE band 2 flux density
SIGMA_FNU_W2 double mJy Uncertainty in WISE band 2 flux density
FNU_W3 double mJy WISE band 3 flux density
SIGMA_FNU_W3 double mJy Uncertainty in WISE band 3 flux density
FNU_W4 double mJy WISE band 4 flux density
SIGMA_FNU_W4 double mJy Uncertainty in WISE band 4 flux density
MAG_J double mag J band magnitude (Vega)
SIGMA_MAG_J double mag Uncertainty in J band magnitude (Vega)
MAG_H double mag H band magnitude (Vega)
SIGMA_MAG_H double mag Uncertainty in J band magnitude (Vega)
MAG_KS double mag K band magnitude (Vega)
SIGMA_MAG_KS double mag Uncertainty in J band magnitude (Vega)
MAG_3_6 double mag 3.6 micron magnitude (Vega)
SIGMA_MAG_3_6 double mag Uncertainty in 3.6 micron magnitude (Vega)
MAG_4_5 double mag 4.5 micron magnitude (Vega)
SIGMA_MAG_4_5 double mag Uncertainty in 4.5 micron magnitude (Vega)
MAG_5_8 double mag 5.8 micron magnitude (Vega)
SIGMA_MAG_5_8 double mag Uncertainty in 5.8 micron magnitude (Vega)
MAG_8_0 double mag 8 micron magnitude (Vega)
SIGMA_MAG_8_0 double mag Uncertainty in 8 micron magnitude (Vega)
MAG_W1 double mag WISE band 1 magnitude (Vega)
SIGMA_MAG_W1 double mag Uncertainty in WISE band 1 magnitude (Vega)
MAG_W2 double mag WISE band 2 magnitude (Vega)
SIGMA_MAG_W2 double mag Uncertainty in WISE band 2 magnitude (Vega)
MAG_W3 double mag WISE band 3 magnitude (Vega)
SIGMA_MAG_W3 double mag Uncertainty in WISE band 3 magnitude (Vega)
MAG_W4 double mag WISE band 4 magnitude (Vega)
SIGMA_MAG_W4 double mag Uncertainty in WISE band 4 magnitude (Vega)
D_NN float arcsec Nearest Neighbor Distance
GLIMPSE_COUNT int Number of GLIMPSE sources within 6.35 arcsec aperture
TWOMASS_COUNT int Number of 2MASS sources within 6.35 arcsec aperture
WISE_COUNT int Number of WISE sources within 6.35 arcsec aperture
FWHM float arcsec Full width at half maximum
SKY_24 double MJy/sr Sky background
COMP_LIM_FNU_24 float mJy 90% differential completeness limit, mJy
COMP_LIM_MAG_24 float mag 90% differential completeness limit, Vega mag
EDGE_FLAG int Edge flag: set to 1 when aperture overlaps masked area
INT_CONFUSE_FLAG int Confusion flag: see Table 3