Data Access

MIPS Local Galaxies Photometry Catalog Definitions


The MIPS Local Galaxies program compiles the Spitzer MIPS observations of all available galaxies in several Herschel-SPIRE Local Galaxies Guaranteed Time Programs, including the Very Nearby Galaxies Survey (VNGS), Dwarf Galaxy Survey (DGS), Herschel Reference Survey (HRS), and Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey (HeViCS). MIPS 24, 70, and 160 micron images are available here using spatial and visualization tools.

The canonical paper for this data set is Bendo et al. (2012).

Name Intype Units Description
Name char Galaxy name
Survey char Herschel Survey observing this galaxy
HRSNum int HRS number (HRS galaxies only)
ra double degree Right Ascension (J2000) (from NED)
dec double degree Declination (J2000) (from NED)
MajAx float arcmin Major axis of optical disc (from RC3)
MinAx float arcmin Minor axis of optical disc (from RC3)
PA int degree Position angle of optical disc (from RC3)
ApNote char Aperture note:
A: Flux densities were measured in special apertures
B: These objects are composed of two or more sources with optical discs that overlap or are one of the objects within such systems. Flux densities were measured within special apertures that encompassed the emission from all overlapping sources.
C: Flux density measurements were made within the optical discs of these sources instead of within regions that were 1.5 times the size of the optical discs.
L_F24 char Flag for 24 micron flux density upper limit: "<" indicates that measurement is upper limit
F24 float Jy 24 micron flux density
Ecal24 float Jy 24 micron uncertainty from calibration
Emap24 float Jy 24 micron uncertainty from error map
Ebkg24 float Jy 24 micron uncertainty from background
Etot24 float Jy 24 micron total uncertainty
L_F70 char Flag for 70 micron flux density upper limit: "<" indicates that measurement is upper limit
F70 float Jy 70 micron flux density
Ecal70 float Jy 70 micron uncertainty from calibration
Emap70 float Jy 70 micron uncertainty from error map
Ebkg70 float Jy 70 micron uncertainty from background
Etot70 float Jy 70 micron total uncertainty
L_F160 char Flag for 160 micron flux density upper limit: "<" indicates that measurement is upper limit
F160 float Jy 160 micron flux density
Ecal160 float Jy 160 micron uncertainty from calibration
Emap160 float Jy 160 micron uncertainty from error map
Ebkg160 float Jy 160 micron uncertainty from background
Etot160 float Jy 160 micron total uncertainty
F_F160 char Flag for 160 micron measurement issue:
A: The 160 micron measurements are from data in which significant portions of the optical discs (> 10%) of the galaxies were not covered in this specific wave band.
B: These 160 micron measurements are for galaxies that were covered in scan map observations in which the final 160 micron images for these galaxies contain NaN values within the optical disc as a consequence of incomplete coverage.