S-CANDELS release notes version 1, 2015 March 9. Author: M. L. N. Ashby

This README contains the release notes for the first S-CANDELS data release.  
Direct inquiries to Matthew Ashby (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) 
at mashby@cfa.harvard.edu.

The S-CANDELS mosaics incorporate all available IRAC imaging from both
the warm and cryogenic missions.  The S-CANDELS PIDs are as follows:

UDS:	80218
ECDFS:	80217
COSMOS: 80057
HDFN:	80215
EGS:	80216
Users of S-CANDELS data are requested to refer to Ashby, Willner, 
Fazio et al., 2015, in preparation (ApJS submitted),
for more details about the S-CANDELS reductions and catalogs.

This data release consists of four images in each of the two S-CANDELS bands 
(3.6 and 4.5 um) for each field, or 20 files in all.  The nomenclature is as follows:

I[BAND]_[FIELD].SCANDELS.starfinder.fits: the S-CANDELS science mosaic in MJy/sr units
I[BAND]_[FIELD].SCANDELS.cov.fits: a coverage map in units of 100 s IRAC exposures
I[BAND]_[FIELD].SCANDELS.synfield.fits: the StarFinder model of the field in band BAND
I[BAND]_[FIELD].SCANDELS.residual.fits: the science mosaic after subtraction of the synfield


[BAND]==1 indicates the 3.6 um passband 
[BAND]==2 indicates the 4.5 um passband 


[FIELD]==ECDFS, COSMOS, UDS, HDFN, or EGS (five fields in all).

All mosaics are made with 0.6" pixels.  The eight mosaics available for each
field are spatially registered to the same tangent-plane projection, which
were set to be consistent with those used by the HST CANDELS consortium.

Note that the synfield models include a background model in addition to
the PSF-fitted models of the discrete sources.