06/08/2009     Data Delivery   SAGE LMC  IRAC images  

IRAC 2.0" pixel 8x8 deg mosaics and mosaics of residual images of SAGE LMC

IRAC 1.2" pixel 8x8 deg mosaics and mosaics of residual images of SAGE LMC

IRAC 0.6" pixel 1.2x1.2 deg mosaic tiles of SAGE LMC

IRAC 0.6" pixel 0.9x0.6 deg mosaics of the SAGE LMC OFFSET position (centered at
                RA=82.25 deg, Dec=-45.95 deg)

These IRAC images were made from frames using SSC pipeline version S13.2 
and later processing. Both SAGE LMC epochs of data were used in the 
images. The images have been made at three pixel scales:  2", 1.2" (the 
native resolution), and 0.6" pixel. The 12 second frametime IRAC 
frames were mosaiced. The units are MJy/sr.

The 8x8 deg image filenames include the IRAC channel and pixel scale as 
well as whether it is a mosaic or a residual image (e.g. 
SAGE_LMC_IRAC4.5_2_mosaic.fits is the 8x8 deg 2" pixel band 2, 4.5 um 
mosaic image; SAGE_LMC_IRAC8.0_1.2_resid.fits is the 8x8 1.2" pixel band 4 
8.0 um residual image). The 0.6" pixel mosaic filenames give the IRAC 
channel and tile number information. e.g.  SAGE_LMC_IRAC3.6_tile45.fits is 
the 1.2x1.2 deg 0.6" pixel band 1 3.6 um image centered at RA=79.70 deg, 
Dec=-67.70 deg (see the table below for the tile centers). The SAGE LMC 
Offset position filename is e.g. SAGE_LMC_OFF_IRAC5.8.fits.

The images have been corrected for column pulldown, banding, and muxbleed. 
Outlier masking (using the improved outlier masking program IRACproc 
(Schuster et al 2006, SPIE, 6270, 65)) has been done.  Visual inspection 
was done on the higher resolution 0.6" pixel mosaics. The instrument 
artifacts found by this visual inspection were removed. Also, latent 
images from bright sources were removed when possible. Note that the 
instrument artifacts near the edge of coverage cannot be removed without 
causing gaps in the images, because of little or no redundancy of 
coverage. Montage's background matching was done for all 4 bands. The 
gradient introduced because of the background matching was removed for the 
8x8 deg images.

The residual images (images with the point sources removed) were produced 
by running DAOPHOT on the IRAC BCD frames. These residual images are 
mosaics of individual frame residuals.  Thus, if a source is extracted in 
some but not all frames it will show up in these images as a source 
(although its brightness will be reduced because it is being averaged with 
images where the source was extracted). Sources may not be extracted for a 
variety of reasons, mainly due to cosmic ray contamination, 
saturation/non-linearity limits and along the frame edges. Bands 1 and 2 
residuals are always a bit worse than bands 3 and 4 due to the fact that 
bands 1 and 2 are the more undersampled psfs of the 4 bands. Sources along 
ridges and on complex background regions may be slightly over-extracted. 
Close doubles are sometimes extracted as a single source. In these cases 
the residual usually looks like a dark bar between two brighter lobes.


The files in this data delivery are:

o README File:

  SAGE_LMC_IMAGES_README_june2009 (this file)

o 2.0" pixel images - 8x8 deg

  o 2.0" pixel mosaics of the 12 second FT data from both epochs
    (1 GB per each fits file):


  o 2.0" pixel mosaics of the residuals of the 12 second FT data from both epochs
    (1 GB per file): 


o 1.2" pixel images - 8x8 deg

  o 1.2" pixel mosaics of the 12 second FT data from both epochs
    (2.5 GB per file):


  o 1.2" pixel mosaics of the residuals of the 12 second FT data from both epochs
    (2.5 GB per file): 


o 0.6" pixel images

  o 1.2x1.2 deg 0.6" pixel mosaics of the 12 second FT data from both epochs
    (<210 MB per file):

    Below are listed the centers of the 1.2x1.2 deg 0.6" pixel tiles covering the 
    SAGE LMC survey region. The centers are offset 1.0 deg. 

    The tile# corresponds to the number shown in sagelmc_1.2x1.2_tiles.jpg.  Note tiles 9,
    38 & 85 are not used in any band (they are used in the MIPS mosaics). Tiles 10, 77 & 82 
    are not used in bands 2 & 4. Either there was no coverage or the coverage in that tile
    was completely found in another tile. There are 82 bands 1 & 3 tiles and 79 bands 2 & 4
    tiles. Images are projected to the common projection center: RA=79.7 deg, Dec=-68.7 deg.

    1.2x1.2 deg tile numbers and tile centers:

    Tile#   RA   (deg) Dec

      1     93.21  -68.15
      2     92.65  -67.18
      3     92.13  -66.20

      4     91.62  -70.31
      5     91.08  -69.33
      6     90.58  -68.35
      7     90.12  -67.36
      8     89.70  -66.38
      9     89.32  -65.40  not used   

     10     89.66  -72.44  not used in bands 2 & 4
     11     89.15  -71.46
     12     88.70  -70.48
     13     88.28  -69.49
     14     87.90  -68.50
     15     87.56  -67.51
     16     87.24  -66.52
     17     86.94  -65.53

     18     86.76  -73.57
     19     86.38  -72.58
     20     86.03  -71.59
     21     85.72  -70.60
     22     85.44  -69.61
     23     85.19  -68.61 
     24     84.96  -67.62
     25     84.74  -66.62 
     26     84.54  -65.63
     27     84.36  -64.63
     28     83.24  -73.66
     29     83.05  -72.67
     30     82.88  -71.67
     31     82.72  -70.67
     32     82.58  -69.68
     33     82.45  -68.68
     34     82.33  -67.68 
     35     82.23  -66.68
     36     82.13  -65.68
     37     82.03  -64.69
     38     81.95  -63.70  not used

     39     79.70  -73.69
     40     79.70  -72.69
     41     79.70  -71.70
     42     79.70  -70.70
     43     79.70  -69.70
     44     79.70  -68.70
     45     79.70  -67.70
     46     79.70  -66.70
     47     79.70  -65.70
     48     79.70  -64.71
     49     79.70  -63.71
     50     76.35  -72.67
     51     76.52  -71.67
     52     76.68  -70.67
     53     76.82  -69.68
     54     76.95  -68.68
     55     77.07  -67.68
     56     77.17  -66.68
     57     77.27  -65.68
     58     77.37  -64.69
     59     77.45  -63.70
     60     73.02  -72.58
     61     73.37  -71.59
     62     73.68  -70.60
     63     73.96  -69.61
     64     74.21  -68.61
     65     74.44  -67.62
     66     74.66  -66.62
     67     74.86  -65.63
     68     75.04  -64.63
     69     75.21  -63.64

     70     70.25  -71.46
     71     70.70  -70.48
     72     71.12  -69.49
     73     71.50  -68.50
     74     71.84  -67.51
     75     72.16  -66.52
     76     72.46  -65.53
     77     72.73  -64.54  not used in bands 2 & 4
     78     67.78  -70.31
     79     68.32  -69.33
     80     68.82  -68.35
     81     69.28  -67.36
     82     69.70  -66.38  not used in bands 2 & 4
     83     64.92  -70.09
     84     65.58  -69.12
     85     66.19  -68.15  not used

  o 0.9x0.6 deg 0.6" pixel mosaics of the SAGE LMC OFFSET position 
    (center:  RA=82.25 deg, Dec=-45.95 deg)
