Data Access

SASS Catalog October 2011 v3.0 Definitions

SASS Overview

The Spitzer Atlas of Stellar Spectra presents IRS Short-Low and Long-Low spectra of 159 stars selected to provide a complete sampling of the HR diagram.

For more information, see the SASS data delivery documentation. Please cite Ardila et al. (2010) if you use these data.

SASS Catalog October 2011 v3.0 Column Descriptions

Gator serves the SASS Catalog October 2011 v3.0 (18 columns, 159 data rows). To search on columns with type char, you must enclose the search string in single quotes. For example, to search for Spectral Class A0 stars, enter '=A0' in the Sp_Cl field. To search the entire catalog, you must select "All-sky search" instead of the default "Single object search".

Column name intype units description
Name1charObject name
Name2charAlternate object name
radoubledegObject Right Ascension (ICRS J2000)
These are the ICRS J2000.0 as calculated by Simbad. The actual pointing of the spectrograph can be found, for a given Astronomical Observation Request (AOR), from the Spitzer Heritage Archive. The AORs that contribute to a spectrum are given in the headers of the individual files. As explained in Ardila et al. (2010), the spectra have been corrected by pointing errors.
decdoubledegObject Declination (ICRS J2000)
These are the ICRS J2000.0 as calculated by Simbad. The actual pointing of the spectrograph can be found, for a given Astronomical Observation Request (AOR), from the Spitzer Heritage Archive. The AORs that contribute to a spectrum are given in the headers of the individual files. As explained in Ardila et al. (2010), the spectra have been corrected by pointing errors.
SpTchar Spectral types taken from (in order of priority): NSted, NStars, the Tycho-2 Spectral Type Catalog (Wright et al. 2003), Simbad, or the available literature. For WR stars, spectral types taken from the 7th Catalog of Galactic Wolf-Rayet stars (van der Hucht 2001).
Sp_ClcharSpectral Class (not including Luminosity Type)
Lum_TypecharLuminosity Type
B_VrealmagB-V color (Simbad)
Jrealmag2MASS All-Sky PSC J Band magnitude
Hrealmag2MASS All-Sky PSC H Band magnitude
Krealmag2MASS All-Sky PSC K Band magnitude
Flux8micrealJyFlux in the IRAC 8um bandpass
Flux24micrealJyFlux in the MIPS 24um bandpass
Fe_HrealMetallicity [Fe/H] from the Geneva-Copenhagen Survey of the Solar neighbourhood (Nordstrom et al. 2004).
Strong silicate: Broad absorption feature present at 10 mic
Non-photospheric: The spectral slope is inconsistent with an unreddened naked photosphere
SWS: The target has an IR type - indicated in parenthesis - in Kraemer et al. (2002)
SpT ref.: The spectral type of this target was taken from the following reference:
(1) van der Hucht (2001)
(2) Torres-Dodgen et al. (1988)
(3) Breysacher et al. (1999)
(4) Maiz-Apellaniz et al. (2004)
(5) Walborn (1972)
(6) Hanson et al. (2005)
(7) van Genderen (2001)
(8) de Jager (1998)
(9) Stahl et al. (2003)
(10) Beauchamp et al. (1994)
(11) Jones (1972)
(12) Abt et al. (1984)
(13) Cushing et al. (2006).
FITScharLink to fits spectrum
TablecharLink to ascii table spectrum
PlotcharLink to gif spectrum