The Spitzer Wide-area InfraRed Extragalactic
Survey (SWIRE) will cover six distinct
areas. The allsky
map on the SWIRE front page shows
'footprints' of the data currently available
through Atlas for each field. The names of the
the fields are next to each footprint as a
visual aid.
The 'Quick Search' option allows you to
click on a field name to execute a search for
the SWIRE datasets available for that entire
field. The search is setup with default 'Size'
and 'Source Radius' parameters set to 7.1 deg.
Each field has a center position which is
listed in the table below. For further
information on any of the six SWIRE
fields, click here.
In using the 'Quick Search' option, the
Atlas SWIRE search form is ignored. If you are
interested in any of the fields and would like
to use your own 'Size' criteria for the seach,
you can use the coordinates listed below to
fill out the seach form on the Atlas SWIRE data search page.
SWIRE Field Name |
Released Images |
Galactic Latitude |
Galactic Longitude |
Area (degĀ²) |
Spring '05 |
83.91782 |
+44.87411 |
9.3 |
Spring '05 |
65.0116 |
42.1787 |
4.5 |
No |
313.71780 |
-73.29177 |
14.8 |
Spring '05 |
170.8688 |
-59.2605 |
9.3 |
Chandra-S |
No |
224.68070 |
-53.99239 |
7.2 |
Lockman |
Spring '05 |
149.7686 |
52.0315 |
14.8 |
For more information about SWIRE and ELAIS,
please see the SWIRE
project page, and the European
Large-Area ISO Survey (ELAIS) site.