Data Access

SERVS 1-band Catalog Definitions


The "Spitzer Extragalactic Representative Volume Survey" (SERVS) Exploration Science program conducted deep IRAC 3.6 and 4.5 micron observations of five extragalactic fields (ELAIS-N1, Lockman Hole, XMM, ELAIS-S1, and CDFS).

Objects in the single band catalogs are not required to have any counterparts in the other band. They are cut at CSNR > 5 and also have the low coverage areas at the edges of the survey omitted (POLY=1), resulting in a single-band reliability flag REL=1. They are thus deeper than the 2-band high reliability catalogs. These should be used if you are matching with a reliable catalog from another band (e.g. near-infrared), and simply want as many matches as possible, or are doing a statistical study. Catalogs with objects having REL=0 are excluded from the catalogs supplied to IRSA, they may be obtained by direct application to the SERVS PI.

Name Intype Units Description
NAME char Source name
ID int ID number
ra double degrees Right ascension (J2000)
dec double degrees Declination (J2000)
FLUX_APER_1 double microJy Flux in 1.4" radius aperture
FLUX_APER_2 double microJy Flux in 1.9" radius aperture
FLUX_APER_3 double microJy Flux in 2.9" radius aperture
FLUX_APER_4 double microJy Flux in 4.9" radius aperture
FLUX_APER_5 double microJy Flux in 5.8" radius aperture
FLUXERR_APER_1 double microJy Flux error in 1.4" radius aperture
FLUXERR_APER_2 double microJy Flux error in 1.9" radius aperture
FLUXERR_APER_3 double microJy Flux error in 2.9" radius aperture
FLUXERR_APER_4 double microJy Flux error in 4.9" radius aperture
FLUXERR_APER_5 double microJy Flux error in 5.8" radius aperture
SNR_1 double Signal to noise ratio in 1.4" radius aperture
SNR_2 double Signal to noise ratio in 1.9" radius aperture
SNR_3 double Signal to noise ratio in 2.9" radius aperture
SNR_4 double Signal to noise ratio in 4.9" radius aperture
SNR_5 double Signal to noise ratio in 5.8" radius aperture
FLUX_ISO double microJy Isophotal flux
FLUX_AUTO double microJy Kron flux
FLUXERR_ISO double microJy Uncertainty in FLUX_ISO
FLUXERR_AUTO double microJy Uncertainty in FLUX_AUTO
SNR_ISO double Signal to noise ratio in FLUX_ISO
SNR_AUTO double Signal to noise ratio in FLUX_AUTO
KRON_RADIUS float pixels Kron radius
CLASS_STAR float Stellaricity (on a scale from 0, definitely a re- solved object, to 1, definitely unresolved)
FLAGS int Flags:
1 (Bit 0): The object has neighbors, bright and close enough to significantly bias the photometry, or bad pixels (more than 10% of the inte- grated area affected).
2 (Bit 1): The object was originally blended with another one.
4 (Bit 2): At least one pixel of the object is saturated (or very close to). Set using Table 3.
8 (Bit 3): The object is truncates (to close to an image boundary).
16 (Bit 4): Object's aperture data are incomplete or corrupted.
32 (Bit 5): Object's isophotal data are incomplete or corrupted.
MASK int Mask:
1 (Bit 0): Overall data quality (set if poor)
2 (Bit 1): Set if pixel contains radhit
4 (Bit 2): Set if optical ghost present
8 (Bit 3): Set if stray light present
16 (Bit 4): Set if saturation donut
32 (Bit 5): Set if pixel contains latent image
64 (Bit 6): Set if pixel is saturated
128 (Bit 7): Set if column pulldown present
256 (Bit 8): Set if mosaic coverage <4 (added to the catalogs post-extraction)
512 (Bit 9): Set if bright star is present
COV double Coverage of 100s frames
CSNR double Coverage-weighted SNR in aperture 2
POLY int High coverage polygon flag: 1 if within high coverage polygon, 0 otherwise
REL int Reliability flag: 1 if both CSNR>1 and POLY=1, otherwise 0