Data Access

SHELA IRAC Catalog Definitions


The Spitzer/HETDEX Exploratory Large-Area (SHELA) survey covers ~24 deg^2 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey "Stripe 82" region, and falls within the footprints of the Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment (HETDEX) and the Dark Energy Survey. The images and catalogs are 80% (50%) complete to limiting magnitudes of 22.0 (22.6) AB mag in the detection image, which is constructed from the weighted sum of the IRAC 3.6 and 4.5 micron images. The catalogs reach limiting sensitivities of 1.1 microJy at both 3.6 and 4.5 microns (1sigma, for R = 2" circular apertures).

Name Intype Units Description
ID int Object ID number
PIX_X double pixel X pixel coordinate
PIX_Y double pixel Y pixel coordinate
ra double deg Right Ascension (J2000)
dec double deg Declination (J2000)
ISOAREA double arcsec^2 Isophotal area in detection image
A double arcsec Semimajor axis in detection image
E double Ellipticity in detection image
THETA double deg Position angle in detection image
FLAGS3P6 int SExtractor flags in the 3.6 micron image
FLAGS4P5 int SExtractor flags in the 4.5 micron image
W3P6 double Value of the 3.6 micron weight map at the location of the object
The weight map values are proportional to the effective exposure time, with a constant of proportionality t_eff = 23.6*Weight.
W4P5 double Value of the 4.5 micron weight map at the location of the object
The weight map values are proportional to the effective exposure time, with a constant of proportionality t_eff = 23.6*Weight.
F3P6_ISO double microJy Isophotal flux in 3.6 micron image
F3P6ERR_ISO double microJy Uncertainty of F3P6_ISO
F3P6_AUTO double microJy Total (Kron) flux in 3.6 micron image
F3P6ERR_AUTO double microJy Uncertainty of F3P6_AUTO
F3P6_4ARCS double microJy 3.6 micron flux measured in 4" diameter aperture, corrected to total
F3P6ERR_4ARCS double microJy Uncertainty of F3P6_4ARCS
F3P6_6ARCS double microJy 3.6 micron flux measured in 6" diameter aperture, corrected to total
F3P6ERR_6ARCS double microJy Uncertainty of F3P6_6ARCS
F4P5_ISO double microJy Isophotal flux in 4.5 micron image
F4P5ERR_ISO double microJy Uncertainty of F4P5_ISO
F4P5_AUTO double microJy Total (Kron) flux in 4.5 micron image
F4P5ERR_AUTO double microJy Uncertainty of F4P5_AUTO
F4P5_4ARCS double microJy 4.5 micron flux measured in 4" diameter aperture, corrected to total
F4P5ERR_4ARCS double microJy Uncertainty of F4P5_4ARCS
F4P5_6ARCS double microJy 4.5 micron flux measured in 6" diameter aperture, corrected to total
F4P5ERR_6ARCS double microJy Uncertainty of F4P5_6ARCS