Ho IX Thumbnail Ho IX Thumbnail

The yellow outline shows the configuration of the IRS LL/SL map with 2x coverage, when available. The red and blue rectangles show the apertures corresponding to the radial strip and circumnuclear spectra, respectively.

Galaxy Properties
RA DEC D25 d25 D
[J2000] [J2000] [arcmin] [arcmin] [Mpc]
09:57:32.0 +69:02:45 2.5 2.0 3.7

IRS LL/SL Spectroscopy
Observed RA DEC Step PA Length (2x) Width
  [J2000] [J2000]   [degree] [arcsec] [arcsec]

Optical Spectroscopy
Spectrum Observed Aperture PA Comments Download
    [arcsec x arcsec] [degree]   1D2D
Radial Strip          
Nuclear     no nucleus      

Last update 2008 Oct 26 23:25. Email John Moustakas with questions, comments, or to report errors.