SMC-Last on the Boston College Dataverse Repository 2022 February The SMC-Last project mapped the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) with Spitzer's Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) at 3.6 and 4.5 um during 2 epochs, once in 2017 August-September and a second time 2017 November-2018 February. The mapped region was divided into 52 ~1.1x1.1deg mosaics, which are provided here. The SMC-Last data in the Boston College Dataverse Repository consist of a set of 104 gzipped tar files, with the 3.6 um data in the files labeled "I1" and the 4.5 um data in those labeled "I2". The location of the mosaic center is given in the file name in the format "HHMM-ddmm". Three files are generated for each mosaic: the image file ("img"), the uncertainty file ("unc"), and the coverage file ("cov"). Three sets of these are provided for each mosaic: epoch 1 ("ep1"), epoch 2 ("ep2"), and a combined epoch ("epc"). Thus all but one tar file contains 9 fits files. The tar files for location 0008-7322 do not contain any epoch 2 data as this region was not covered a second time. For processing details, please refer to: Mizuno et al. 2022, PASP, submitted