Data Access

SMUVS Source Catalog Definitions


The Spitzer Matching Survey of the Ultra-VISTA Deep Stripes (SMUVS) consists of deep 3.6 and 4.5 imaging of three Ultra-VISTA near-infrared survey stripes in the COSMOS field. SMUVS reaches point-source sensitivities of about 25.0 AB mag at both 3.6 and 4.5 microns with a significance of 4 sigma, accounting for both survey sensitivity and source confusion. To this limit the SMUVS catalogs contain a total of ~350,000 sources, each of which is detected significantly in at least one IRAC band. Because of its uniform and high sensitivity, relatively large area coverage, and the wide array of ancillary data available in COSMOS, the SMUVS survey will be useful for a large number of cosmological investigations.

For more details on SMUVS, see Ashby et al. (2018).

Name Intype Units Description
Survey char Survey
Object char Object ID
ra double deg Right Ascension (J2000)
dec double deg Declination (J2000)
MAG1_PSF real mag 3.6 micron PSF-fit magnitude (AB)
MAG1_24 real mag 3.6 micron 2.4" magnitude (AB)
MAG1_36 real mag 3.6 micron 3.6" magnitude (AB)
MAG1_48 real mag 3.6 micron 4.8" magnitude (AB)
MAG1_60 real mag 3.6 micron 6.0" magnitude (AB)
MAG1_72 real mag 3.6 micron 7.2" magnitude (AB)
MAG1_120 real mag 3.6 micron 12" magnitude (AB)
MAG1_ERR real mag 3.6 micron magnitude uncertainty
COV1 int hs 3.6 micron depth of coverage in units of 100s
FLAG1 int 3.6 micron data quality flag:
0 = no known issues with the photometry
1 = background contamination around bright stars
2 = bright single-band detection likely to be artifact of extended source
3 = faint single-band detection (possibly real)
MAG2_PSF real mag 4.5 micron PSF-fit magnitude (AB)
MAG2_24 real mag 4.5 micron 2.4" magnitude (AB)
MAG2_36 real mag 4.5 micron 3.6" magnitude (AB)
MAG2_48 real mag 4.5 micron 4.8" magnitude (AB)
MAG2_60 real mag 4.5 micron 6.0" magnitude (AB)
MAG2_72 real mag 4.5 micron 7.2" magnitude (AB)
MAG2_120 real mag 4.5 micron 12" magnitude (AB)
MAG2_ERR real mag 4.5 micron magnitude uncertainty
COV2 int hs 4.5 micron depth of coverage
FLAG2 int 4.5 micron data quality flag:
0 = no known issues with the photometry
1 = background contamination around bright stars
2 = bright single-band detection likely to be artifact of extended source
3 = faint single-band detection (possibly real)