SPICY Catalog Definitions


The Spitzer/IRAC Candidate YSO (SPICY) Catalog consists of ~120,000 Spitzer/IRAC candidate young stellar objects (YSOs) based on surveys of the Galactic midplane between l ~ 255d and 110d, including the GLIMPSE I, II, and 3D, Vela-Carina, Cygnus X, and SMOG surveys (613 square degrees), augmented by near-infrared catalogs.

If you use SPICY data, please reference Kuhn et al. (2021).

Name Intype Units Description
SPICY long Candidate YSO designation
ra double deg Right Ascension (ICRS)
dec double deg Declination (ICRS)
l double deg Galactic longitude
b double deg Galactic latitude
p1 float YSO random forest score from IRAC+2MASS photometry
p2 float YSO random forest score from IRAC+UKIDSS photometry
p3 float YSO random forest score from IRAC+VVV photometry
class char YSO class
silicate int Flag for possible strong silicate feature
pah int Flag for possible strong PAH feature
alpha double Spectral index used for YSO class
alpha_8 double Spectral index derived from the [4.5]-[8.0] color
alpha_24 double Spectral index derived from the [4.5]-[24] color
alpha_w4 double Spectral index derived from the [4.5]-W4 color
env char Classification of the YSO environment
grp char HDBSCAN gruop to which the star is assigned
var int ZTF light-curve variability flag
nr int Number of good ZTF r-band observations used
r double mag ZTF mean magnitude in the r-band
sigmar double mag ZTF light-curve standard deviation in the r-band
skewnessr double ZTF light-curve skew in the r-band
Spitzer char Spitzer source designation
mag3_6 float mag Spitzer/IRAC channel 1 magnitude
e_mag3_6 float mag Error on Spitzer/IRAC channel 1 magnitude
mag4_5 float mag Spitzer/IRAC channel 2 magnitude
e_mag4_5 float mag Error on Spitzer/IRAC channel 2 magnitude
mag5_8 float mag Spitzer/IRAC channel 3 magnitude
e_mag5_8 float mag Error on Spitzer/IRAC channel 3 magnitude
mag8_0 float mag Spitzer/IRAC channel 4 magnitude
e_mag8_0 float mag Error on Spitzer/IRAC channel 4 magnitude
csf int Close source flag
m3_6 int Number of detections in the 3.6 micron band
m4_5 int Number of detections in the 4.5 micron band
m5_8 int Number of detections in the 5.8 micron band
m8_0 int Number of detections in the 8.0 micron band
TWOMASS char 2MASS source designation
UKIDSS char UKIDSS source designation
VIRAC int VIRAC source designation
GaiaDR2 long Gaia DR2 source designation
MIPS char Spitzer/MIPS source designation
AllWISE char AllWISE source designation
ZTFDR3 long ZTF DR3 source designation