Data Access

SSDF Catalog Definitions


The Spitzer-South Pole Telescope Deep Field (SSDF) is a wide-area survey using IRAC to cover 94 square degrees of extragalactic sky, making it the largest IRAC survey completed to date outside the Milky Way midplane. The SSDF is centered at 23:30,-55:00, in a region that combines observations spanning a broad wavelength range from numerous facilities. These include millimeter imaging from the South Pole Telescope, far-infrared observations from Herschel/SPIRE, X-ray observations from the XMM XXL survey, near-infrared observations from the VISTA Hemisphere Survey, and radio-wavelength imaging from the Australia Telescope Compact Array, in a panchromatic project designed to address major outstanding questions surrounding galaxy clusters and the baryon budget.

If you use these catalogs, please cite Ashby et al. (2013).

Name Intype Units Description
Tile char SSDF SSDF sub-tile of origin
X_Image double pixels Object position along x
Y_Image double pixels Object position along y
ra double degrees Right Ascension (J2000)
dec double degrees Declination (J2000)
KRON_RADIUS real Kron apertures in units of A or B
BACKGROUND double count Background at centroid position
FLUX_RADIUS real pixel Fraction-of-light radius
ALPHAPEAK_J2000 double degrees Right ascension of brightest pix (J2000)
DELTAPEAK_J2000 double degrees Declination of brightest pix (J2000)
X2_IMAGE real Variance along x
Y2_IMAGE real Variance along y
XY_IMAGE real Covariance between x and y
A_IMAGE real pixel Profile RMS along major axis
B_IMAGE real pixel Profile RMS along minor axis
THETA_IMAGE real degrees Position angle (CCW/x)
A_WORLD double degrees Profile RMS along major axis (world units)
B_WORLD double degrees Profile RMS along minor axis (world units)
THETA_WORLD real degrees Position axis (CCW/world-x)
CLASS_STAR real S/G classifier output
FLAGS int Extraction flags:
1 = bright neighbor or bad pixel
2 = blend
4 = saturation
8 = image boundary
16 = aperture data are incomplete or corrupted
32 = isophotal data are incomplete or corrupted
64 = memory overflow during deblending
128 = memory overflow during extraction
MAG_AUT1 real Vega Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude ch1
MAGERR_AUT1 real Vega RMS error for AUTO magnitude
MAG_AP1_4 real Vega 4 arcsec Diameter Aperture Magnitude, corrected, ch1
MAGERR_AP1_4 real Vega 4 arcsec Diameter Aperture Magnitude Uncertainty
MAG_AP1_6 real Vega 6 arcsec Diameter Aperture Magnitude, corrected, ch1
MAGERR_AP1_6 real Vega 6 arcsec Diameter Aperture Magnitude Uncertainty
FLUX_AUT1 real uJy Kron-like elliptical aperture flux ch1
FLUXERR_AUT1 real uJy RMS error for AUTO flux
FLUX_AP1_4 real uJy 4 arcsec Diameter Aperture Flux, corrected, ch1
FLUXERR_AP1_4 real uJy 4 arcsec Diameter Aperture Flux Uncertainty
FLUX_AP1_6 real uJy 6 arcsec Diameter Aperture Flux, corrected, ch1
FLUXERR_AP1_6 real uJy 6 arcsec Diameter Aperture Flux Uncertainty
MAG_AUT2 real Vega Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude ch2
MAGERR_AUT2 real Vega RMS error for AUTO magnitude
MAG_AP2_4 real Vega 4 arcsec Diameter Aperture Magnitude, corrected, ch2
MAGERR_AP2_4 real Vega 4 arcsec Diameter Aperture Magnitude Uncertainty
MAG_AP2_6 real Vega 6 arcsec Diameter Aperture Magnitude, corrected, ch2
MAGERR_AP2_6 real Vega 6 arcsec Diameter Aperture Magnitude Uncertainty
FLUX_AUT2 real uJy Kron-like elliptical aperture flux ch2
FLUXERR_AUT2 real uJy RMS error for AUTO flux
FLUX_AP2_4 real uJy 4 arcsec Diameter Aperture Flux, corrected, ch2
FLUXERR_AP2_4 real uJy 4 arcsec Diameter Aperture Flux Uncertainty
FLUX_AP2_6 real uJy 6 arcsec Diameter Aperture Flux, corrected, ch2
FLUXERR_AP2_6 real uJy 4 arcsec Diameter Aperture Flux Uncertainty