SWIRE Lockman Hole ISOCAM Shallow Field Catalog Definitions

The SWIRE Lockman Hole ISOCAM Shallow Field Catalog presents MIPS 24 micron measurements of the sources detected at 14.3 micron in the Lockman Hole Shallow Survey by ISO. For more details on the Lockman Hole ISOCAM Shallow Survey, see Fadda et al. (2004).

SWIRE Lockman Hole ISOCAM Shallow Field Catalog Column Descriptions

Gator serves the SWIRE Lockman Hole ISOCAM Shallow Field Catalog (16 columns, 456 data rows).

Name Intype Units Description
IAU_Name char IAU Name
cra real Right Ascension (J2000)
cdec real Declination (J2000)
ra real deg Right Ascension (J2000) in decimal degrees
dec real deg Declination (J2000) in decimal degrees
PosE real arcsec Position error in arcseconds
Flux real mJy 24 micron flux in mJy
FluxE real mJy 24 micron flux error in mJy
NFr int Number of frames at the source position
SNR real Peak signal-to-noise ratio
mag_r real r magnitude of the optical counterpart
SNRr real Signal-to-noise ratio of the optical counterpart
RAoff real arcsec Offset (IR source - optical counterpart) along RA
DECoff real arcsec Offset (IR source - optical counterpart) along DEC
Prob real Probability of random association
Notes char Notes about the object