Data Access

SpIES Catalog Definitions


The Spitzer IRAC Equatorial Survey (SpIES) is a large-area survey of 115 sq. degrees in the Equatorial SDSS Stripe 82 field. SpIES achieves 5 sigma depths of 6.13 microJy (21.93 AB magnitude) and 5.75 microJy (22.0 AB magnitude) at 3.6 and 4.5 microns, respectively.

The 3.6 micron catalog contains the 6.1 million sources that are only detected at 3.6 microns, the 4.5 micron catalog contains the 6.4 million sources that are only detected at 4.5 microns, and the Dual-band catalog contains the 5.4 million sources that are detected in both bands.

If you use SpIES data, please cite Timlin et al. (2016).

Name Intype Units Description
ra double deg Right Ascension (J2000)
dec double deg Declination (J2000)
FLUX_APER_1_ch1 double microJy 3.6 micron flux density, 1.44" radius
FLUX_APER_2_ch1 double microJy 3.6 micron flux density, 1.92" radius
FLUX_APER_3_ch1 double microJy 3.6 micron flux density, 2.89" radius
FLUX_APER_4_ch1 double microJy 3.6 micron flux density, 4.08" radius
FLUX_APER_5_ch1 double microJy 3.6 micron flux density, 5.76" radius
FLUX_APER_6_ch1 double microJy 3.6 micron flux density, 12" radius
FLUXERR_APER_1_ch1 double microJy 3.6 micron flux density error, 1.44" radius
FLUXERR_APER_2_ch1 double microJy 3.6 micron flux density error, 1.92" radius
FLUXERR_APER_3_ch1 double microJy 3.6 micron flux density error, 2.89" radius
FLUXERR_APER_4_ch1 double microJy 3.6 micron flux density error, 4.08" radius
FLUXERR_APER_5_ch1 double microJy 3.6 micron flux density error, 5.76" radius
FLUXERR_APER_6_ch1 double microJy 3.6 micron flux density error, 12" radius
FLUX_AUTO_ch1 double microJy Total 3.6 micron flux density
FLUXERR_AUTO_ch1 double microJy Total 3.6 micron flux density error
FLAGS_ch1 char 3.6 micron SExtractor flags:
1 = neighbors or bad pixels bias photometry
2 = blended
4 = saturation
8 = near image boundary
16 = aperture data are incomplete or corrupted
CLASS_STAR_ch1 double 3.6 micron morphology classification
FLAG_2MASS_ch1 int 3.6 micron object near a bright star
COV_ch1 char Number of cBCD coverages at 3.6 micron
HIGH_REL_ch1 int Most reliable objects with good flags at 3.6 micron
2 = real object with good photometry
1 = real object
0 = does not satisfy the flag conditions
FLUX_APER_1_ch2 double microJy 4.5 micron flux density, 1.44" radius
FLUX_APER_2_ch2 double microJy 4.5 micron flux density, 1.92" radius
FLUX_APER_3_ch2 double microJy 4.5 micron flux density, 2.89" radius
FLUX_APER_4_ch2 double microJy 4.5 micron flux density, 4.08" radius
FLUX_APER_5_ch2 double microJy 4.5 micron flux density, 5.76" radius
FLUX_APER_6_ch2 double microJy 4.5 micron flux density, 12" radius
FLUXERR_APER_1_ch2 double microJy 4.5 micron flux density error, 1.44" radius
FLUXERR_APER_2_ch2 double microJy 4.5 micron flux density error, 1.92" radius
FLUXERR_APER_3_ch2 double microJy 4.5 micron flux density error, 2.89" radius
FLUXERR_APER_4_ch2 double microJy 4.5 micron flux density error, 4.08" radius
FLUXERR_APER_5_ch2 double microJy 4.5 micron flux density error, 5.76" radius
FLUXERR_APER_6_ch2 double microJy 4.5 micron flux density error, 12" radius
FLUX_AUTO_ch2 double microJy Total 4.5 micron flux density
FLUXERR_AUTO_ch2 double microJy Total 4.5 micron flux density error
FLAGS_ch2 char 4.5 micron SExtractor flags:
1 = neighbors or bad pixels bias photometry
2 = blended
4 = saturation
8 = near image boundary
16 = aperture data are incomplete or corrupted
CLASS_STAR_ch2 double 4.5 micron morphology classification
FLAG_2MASS_ch2 int 4.5 micron object near a bright star
COV_ch2 char Number of cBCD coverages at 4.5 micron
HIGH_REL_ch2 int Most reliable objects with good flags at 4.5 micron:
2 = real object with good photometry
1 = real object
0 = does not satisfy the flag conditions