Data Access

SpUDS IRAC Catalog

SpUDS Overview

Spitzer Public Legacy Survey of the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey (SpUDS) is a survey of the ~1 square degree UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey (UDS). The survey consists of deep IRAC and 24 micron MIPS observations. The UDS is the largest deep near-infrared (JHK) survey in existence, and the first capable of sampling representative cosmological volumes (100x100 Mpc) out to the highest redshifts (z>6).

SpUDS IRAC Catalog Column Descriptions

IRSA serves the SpUDS IRAC Catalog (26 columns, 70,534 data rows).

Name Intype Units Description
name char Name
ra double deg Right Ascension (J2000)
dec double deg Declination (J2000)
unc_ra double arcsec Uncertainty in RA
unc_dec double arcsec Uncertainty in Dec
flux_ap_36 double uJy Flux in 1.9" aperture in ch1
uncf_ap_36 double uJy Uncertainty in flux_ap_36
snr_36 double S/N at ch1
S/N is set to zero if less than 3
star_36 double Stellarity at ch1
flag_36 int Flag from SExtractor
flag_ext_36 int External flag:
1 = Bright neighbors
2 = Affected by artifacts due to nearby bright stars
flux_ap_45 double uJy Flux in 1.9" aperture in ch2
uncf_ap_45 double uJy Uncertainty in flux_ap_45
snr_45 double S/N at ch2
S/N is set to zero if less than 3
star_45 double Stellarity at ch2
flag_45 int Flag from SExtractor
flux_ap_56 double uJy Flux in 1.9" aperture in ch3
uncf_ap_56 double uJy Uncertainty in flux_ap_56
snr_56 double S/N at ch3
S/N is set to zero if less than 3
star_56 double Stellarity at ch3
flag_56 int Flag from SExtractor
flux_ap_80 double uJy Flux in 1.9" aperture in ch4
uncf_ap_80 double uJy Uncertainty in flux_ap_80
snr_80 double S/N at ch4
S/N is set to zero if less than 3
star_80 double Stellarity at ch4
flag_80 int Flag from SExtractor