Taurus Catalog October 2008 v2.1 Definitions

Taurus Overview

The Spitzer Space Telescope Survey of the Taurus is a Legacy III project titled, Taurus 2: Finishing the Spitzer Map of the Taurus Molecular Clouds (Taurus). The Taurus Spitzer Legacy project has mapped ≈44 square degrees of the Taurus star-formation region using the IRAC and MIPS cameras aboard the Spitzer Space Telescope. In this release, the team provides a bandmerged catalog of 269,358 point sources for the initial 70% of the survey area ("Taurus 1"). Flux densities are reported for the 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8.0, and 24 micron bands of IRAC and MIPS. MIPS 70 micron flux densities are also given for a small number of sources. Aperture photometry at three radii is provided for IRAC sources. PSF-fitting photometry is reported for MIPS flux densities.

The Taurus project page can be found here. Also provided with the data release is the Taurus data delivery documentation.

Taurus IRAC/MIPS Catalog October 2008 v2.1 Column Descriptions

Gator serves the Taurus Catalog October 2008 v2.1 (48 columns [43 delivered + 5 IRSA-created], 269,358 data rows). The following abbreviations are used in the Taurus catalog for Spitzer instrument/band combinations:

Additinally, Taurus provides the following information for the catalog:

Column name intype units description
SSTiauname charIAU-compatible name of source
radoubledegRight Ascension J2000
decdoubledegDeclination J2000
J_fluxdoubleuJyJ-band flux in microJanskys
J_fluxerrdoubleuJyerror on J-band flux in microJanskys
H_fluxdoubleuJyH-band flux in microJanskys
H_fluxerrdoubleuJyerror on H-band flux in microJanskys
KsfluxdoubleuJyK-band flux in microJanskys
KsfluxerrdoubleuJyerror on K-band flux in microJanskys
I1_02px_flxdoubleuJyI1 flux within 2 px (2.44") in microJanskys
I1_02px_errdoubleuJyerror on I1 flux within 2 px (2.44") in microJanskys
I1_05px_flxdoubleuJyI1 flux within 5 px (6.1") in microJanskys
I1_05px_errdoubleuJyerror on I1 flux within 5 px (6.1") in microJanskys
I1_10px_flxdoubleuJyI1 flux within 10 px (12.2") in microJanskys
I1_10px_errdoubleuJyerror on I1 flux within 10 px (12.2") in microJanskys
I2_02px_flxdoubleuJyI2 flux within 2 px (2.44") in microJanskys
I2_02px_errdoubleuJyerror on I2 flux within 2 px (2.44") in microJanskys
I2_05px_flxdoubleuJyI2 flux within 5 px (6.1") in microJanskys
I2_05px_errdoubleuJyerror on I2 flux within 5 px (6.1") in microJanskys
I2_10px_flxdoubleuJyI2 flux within 10 px (12.2") in microJanskys
I2_10px_errdoubleuJyerror on I2 flux within 10 px (12.2") in microJanskys
I3_02px_flxdoubleuJyI3 flux within 2 px (2.44") in microJanskys
I3_02px_errdoubleuJyerror on I3 flux within 2 px (2.44") in microJanskys
I3_05px_flxdoubleuJyI3 flux within 5 px (6.1") in microJanskys
I3_05px_errdoubleuJyerror on I3 flux within 5 px (6.1") in microJanskys
I3_10px_flxdoubleuJyI3 flux within 10 px (12.2") in microJanskys
I3_10px_errdoubleuJyerror on I3 flux within 10 px (12.2") in microJanskys
I4_02px_flxdoubleuJyI4 flux within 2 px (2.44") in microJanskys
I4_02px_errdoubleuJyerror on I4 flux within 2 px (2.44") in microJanskys
I4_05px_flxdoubleuJyI4 flux within 5 px (6.1") in microJanskys
I4_05px_errdoubleuJyerror on I4 flux within 5 px (6.1") in microJanskys
I4_10px_flxdoubleuJyI4 flux within 10 px (12.2") in microJanskys
I4_10px_errdoubleuJyerror on I4 flux within 10 px (12.2") in microJanskys
M1fluxdoubleuJyM1 flux in microJanskys
M1fluxerrdoubleuJyerror on M1 flux in microJanskys
M2fluxdoubleuJyM2 flux in microJanskys
M2fluxerrdoubleuJyerror on M2 flux in microJanskys
iracdfint string indicating whether or not there was a dropped nearby object in IRAC [See note above]
iraccrint string indicating whether or not there was a cosmic ray in IRAC
i1corrdouble multiplicative photometric correction used for I1 [See note above]
i2corrdouble multiplicative photometric correction used for I2 [See note above]
i3corrdouble multiplicative photometric correction used for I3 [See note above]
i4corrdouble multiplicative photometric correction used for I4 [See note above]