Data Access

YSOVAR Object Table Definitions


The YSOVAR (Young Stellar Object VARiability) Spitzer Space Telescope observing program obtained the first extensive mid-infrared (3.6 and 4.5 micron) time series photometry of the Orion Nebula Cluster plus smaller fields in 11 other star-forming cores (AFGL 490, NGC 1333, Mon R2, GGD 12-15, NGC 2264, L1688, Serpens Main, Serpens South, IRAS 20050+2720, IC 1396A, and Ceph C). There are ~29,000 unique objects with light curves in either or both IRAC channels in the YSOVAR data set. YSOVAR is a sister project to Coordinated Synoptic Investigation of NGC 2264 (CSI 2264; Cody et al. 2014).

Initial YSOVAR results were described in Morales-Calderon et al. (2011). Rebull et al. (2014; R14) describes the details of target selection, data reduction, and other conventions established for this project.

The Object Table contains one line per object, and covers all of the objects for which we have light curves in the corresponding cluster's region. It consists of both photometry and light curve metrics, so it is very wide (with many columns). The table contains ~40 columns of single-epoch photometry, and then ~40 more columns of light curve metrics (mean, median, amplitude, etc.).

Name Intype Units Description
SSTYSV_J char Object name
Note: some objects in NGC 1333 have R15_NGC1333_J names instead of SSTYSV_J names
ra double deg Right Ascension (J2000)
dec double deg Declination (J2000)
telescope_bandmag double mag telescope band magnitude
includes CFHT, UKIDSS, Subaru, IPHAS, and WISE data. IRAS 20050+2720 UBVRI data are from Gunther et al. (2012).
telescope_bandmer double mag uncertainty in the above mag
tmJlim char limit flag on 2MASS J magnitude (>, <, or =)
tm_Jmag double mag 2MASS J magnitude
tm_Jerr double mag uncertainty in tm_Jmag
tmHlim char limit flag on 2MASS H magnitude (>, <, or =)
tm_Hmag double mag 2MASS H magnitude
tm_Herr double mag uncertainty in tm_Hmag
tmKlim char limit flag on 2MASS K magnitude (>, <, or =)
tm_Kmag double mag 2MASS K magnitude
tm_Kerr double mag uncertainty in tm_Kmag
c3_6lim char limit flag on Spitzer 3.6 micron magnitude (>, <, or =)
c3_6mag double mag Spitzer 3.6 micron magnitude
c3_6err double mag uncertainty in c3.6mag
c4_5lim char limit flag on Spitzer 4.5 micron magnitude (>, <, or =)
c4_5mag double mag Spitzer 4.5 micron magnitude
c4_5err double mag uncertainty in c4.5mag
c5_8lim char limit flag on Spitzer 5.8 micron magnitude (>, <, or =)
c5_8mag double mag Spitzer 5.8 micron magnitude
c5_8err double mag uncertainty in c5.8mag
c8_0lim char limit flag on Spitzer 8 micron magnitude (>, <, or =)
c8_0mag double mag Spitzer 8 micron magnitude
c8_0err double mag uncertainty in c8.0mag
c24lim char limit flag on Spitzer 24 micron magnitude (>, <, or =)
c24mag double mag Spitzer 24 micron magnitude
c24err double mag uncertainty in c24mag
logFx double cgs log of X-ray flux (ergs/s/cm^s)
errlogFx double cgs uncertainty in logFx
logLx double cgs log of X-ray luminosity (ergs/s)
slope2m24 double 2-24 micron SED slope
class2m24 char SED class based on slope2m24
slope2m8 double 2-8 micron SED slope
class2m8 char SED class based on slope2m8
TMASS_name char name from 2MASS PSC
stdmem int membership flag
bcX int X-ray flag
anyyso int literature YSO classification flag
CYvar int CY variable flag
Var int fast cadence variable flag
np_36 int number of points in 3.6 micron light curve
mean_36 double mag mean of 3.6 micron light curve
median_36 double mag median of 3.6 micron light curve
sdev_36 double mag standard deviation of 3.6 micron light curve
max_36 double mag maximum of 3.6 micron light curve
min_36 double mag minimum of 3.6 micron light curve
ampl_36 double mag amplitude of 3.6 micron light curve (10th to 90th percentile)
drange_36 double d range of 3.6 micron light curve
chis_36 double chisquare of 3.6 micron light curve
ts_36 double d timescale of 3.6 micron light curve
per_36 double d period of 3.6 micron light curve
M_36 double M metric for original 3.6 micron light curve
Ms_36 double M metric for smoothed 3.6 micron light curve
Q_36 double Q metric for original 3.6 micron light curve
Ql_36 double Q metric for long term trend subtracted 3.6 micron light curve
np_45 int number of points in 4.5 micron light curve
mean_45 double mag mean of 4.5 micron light curve
median_45 double mag median of 4.5 micron light curve
sdev_45 double mag standard deviation of 4.5 micron light curve
max_45 double mag maximum of 4.5 micron light curve
min_45 double mag minimum of 4.5 micron light curve
ampl_45 double mag amplitude of 4.5 micron light curve (10th to 90th percentile)
drange_45 double d range of 4.5 micron light curve
chis_45 double chisquare of 4.5 micron light curve
ts_45 double d timescale of 4.5 micron light curve
per_45 double d period of 4.5 micron light curve
M_45 double M metric for original 4.5 micron light curve
Ms_45 double M metric for smoothed 4.5 micron light curve
Q_45 double Q metric for original 4.5 micron light curve
Ql_45 double Q metric for long term trend subtracted 4.5 micron light curve
np3645 int number of pairs of 3.6 and 4.5 micron points
mean3645 double mean of [3.6]-[4.5] light curve
sdev3645 double standard deviation of [3.6]-[4.5] light curve
per3645 double period of [3.6]-[4.5] light curve
stet3645 double Stetson index calculcated from the paired 3.6 and 4.5 micron points
corr363645 double correlation coefficient in [3.6] vs. [3.6]-[4.5] CMD
cpro363645 double probability of no correlation in [3.6] vs. [3.6]-[4.5] CMD
corr453645 double correlation coefficient in [4.5] vs. [3.6]-[4.5] CMD
cpro453645 double probability of no correlation in [4.5] vs. [3.6]-[4.5] CMD
sloped363645 double deg angle of slope of best fit line in [3.6] vs. [3.6]-[4.5] CMD