Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools

Purpose and Description

Bandmerge is a software package developed at the Spitzer Science Center. It is designed to take in ASCII tables of positions and fluxes of detected astronomical sources in 2-7 different wavebands, and write out a single table of the merged data. The tool was designed to work with source lists generated by the Spitzer Science Center's MOPEX software, although it can be "fooled" into running on other data as well.

Bandmerge produces three (required) output files. One contains the bandmerged data, another contains the spectral combination counts and a final one contains the statistics. The input parameters and filenames are specified either on the command line or in a namelist parameter file. See the Bandmerge User's Guide and the Spitzer Data Analysis Cookbook for more information.

Download and Installation

Follow these instructions for downloading and installing the software.


All updates to Bandmerge will be announced on this page. Please check back periodically.

Getting Help

Support for Bandmerge is available from the Helpdesk. Before contacting us, please check the Bandmerge User's Guide and Spitzer Data Analysis Cookbook for information.

If you contact the Helpdesk, please be sure to include the version of Bandmerge you are running, the operating system on which you are running it, the AORKEY you are working with, and as much detail about the problem as possible.


Bandmerge User's Guide

An example walk-through of how to run Bandmerge can be found in the Spitzer Data Analysis Cookbook. A copy of the cookbook is also unpacked in the Bandmerge installation directory (how2bndmg.pdf).

Bandmerge Technical Description

Bandmerge Test Report

Frequently Asked Questions