Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools
Bandmerge User's Guide


Chapter 1.          Introduction to Bandmerge.

1.1        Important Documentation.

1.2        Getting Help.

1.3        Overview of Bandmerge.

1.4        Getting Started.

1.4.1         Downloading and Installing the Software.

1.4.2         Setting up the directory structure.

1.5        User Interface.

1.6        Bandmerging Overview

1.6.1         Cross-Band Linkage Processing.

1.6.2         Inconsistent Chain Processing.

1.6.3         Excess Linkage Processing.

1.6.4         Linkage Rejection Processing.

1.7        Position Refinement

1.8        Statistical Summary Computation.

1.9        Iterative Processing.

Chapter 2.          Input Files.

2.1        Source Detection Tables.

2.2        Namelist Files.

2.2.1         Primary Namelist

2.2.2         Secondary namelists.

2.3        Bandpair Uncertainty File.

2.4        Fiducial Image Frame Table or FITS Image.

Chapter 3.          Namelist Parameters.

3.1        Global Parameters.

3.2        Module Parameter Block.

Chapter 4.          Output Files.

4.1        Bandmerged Data Output File.

4.2        Spectral Combination File.

4.3        Statistical Summary File.

4.4        Dump Output Files.

Appendix A.     Example namelists.

A.1 Primary Namelist

A.2 Secondary namelist

Appendix B.      Status_Check_flag and Status_Threshold.