Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools
Bandmerge User's Guide



Appendix A.                  Example namelists

A.1 Primary Namelist

#Bandmerge.nl file example (primary namelist)

#in order to run bandmerge, set run_bandmerge = 1

#if input files list source coordinates in RA and Dec, set

#convert_sky_to_cartesian to 1. To output in RA and Dec, set

#convert_cartesian_to_sky = 1. A value of zero uses X and Y.


convert_sky_to_cartesian = 1

run_bandmerge = 1

convert_cartesian_to_sky = 1


#Input source detection file names. We recommend including the full

#path. For more input files (i.e. to merge more bands), include similar

#lines labeled PointSourceList_Filename4 etc


PointSourceList_Filename1 = /your/data/directory/irac1_extract.tbl

PointSourceList_Filename2 = /your/data/directory/irac3_extract.tbl

PointSourceList_Filename3 = /your/data/directory/mips24_extract.tbl


#Add the following lines for each input file if the keywords INSTRUME

#and CHNLNUM are missing in the header of the above files. The channels

#for MIPS-24, MIPS-70 and MIPS-160 are referred to as MIPS_1, MIPS_2

#and MIPS_3 respectively.


Instrument_Channel1 = IRAC_1

Instrument_Channel2 = IRAC_3

Instrument_Channel3 = MIPS_1


#if you have a pre-made Fiducial Image Frame table then specify it

#here, or...

FIF_FILE_NAME = fif.tbl


#...specify the file to be used to make the FIF




#band_pair_registration_uncertanties_file in CDF directory - required

Input_BPRU_Filename = bpru.tbl 


#number of iterations to run. For no iteration, set

#Number_of_iterations = 0

Number_of_iterations = 2


#correction type used in iterations

clean_type = 3


#default is 's2c'

s2c_prefix = 'cnv'


#set output directory name

OUTPUT_DIR = Output_1

#set output file name

OUTPUT_FILE_NAME = 'newtbl.tbl',



 Comment = 'Generic namelist file for bandmerge - default values.',

 Output_STAT_Filename = 'statfile.tbl',

 Output_DUMP_Filename_Base = 'bm_dump',

 Output_SPCMB_Filename = 'spcmbfile.bm',

 ChiSq_Denom_Min = 1.0e-06,

 Chi_Sq_Max = 24.0,

 Pseudo_Chi_Sq_Max = 12.0,

 LR_Scale_Fact = 2.5,

 Epsilon = -1.0e+39,

 SigMin = 0.03,

 Pseudo_Pos_SF = 1.0,

 Pseudo_Phot_SF = 0.0,

 X_Window = 20.0,

 Y_Window = 20.0,

 Status_Check_Flag = 0,

 Status_Threshold = 0,

 Dump = 1,

 Trace_PS1 = 0,

 Trace_PS2 = 0,

 Trace_PS3 = 0,

 Trace_PS4 = 0,

 Trace_PS5 = 0,

 Trace_PS6 = 0,

 Trace_PS7 = 0,

 Chi_Sq_Max = 12.0,

 LR_Scale_Fact = 1.5,

 Pseudo_Pos_SF = 1.0,

 Pseudo_Phot_SF = 0.0,

 X_Window = 10.0,

 Y_Window = 10.0,

 Status_Check_Flag = 0,

 Status_Threshold = 0,

 SNR_Threshold1 = 10.0,

 SNR_Threshold2 = 10.0,

 SNR_Threshold3 = 10.0,

 SNR_Threshold4 = 10.0,

 SNR_Threshold5 = 10.0,

 SNR_Threshold6 = 10.0,

 SNR_Threshold7 = 10.0,

 SNR_Bin1 = 20.0,

 SNR_Bin2 = 50.0,

 SNR_Bin3 = 100.0,

 SNR_Bin4 = 200.0,

 SNR_Bin5 = 500.0,

 SNR_Bin6 = 1000.0,

 SNR_Bin7 = 2000.0,

 SNR_Bin8 = 5000.0,

 SNR_Bin9 = 10000.0,

 NL_print = 0,


A.2 Secondary namelist

#Example of a secondary namelist file, e.g. bmg1.nl



 ChiSq_Denom_Min = 1.0e-06,

 Chi_Sq_Max = 12.0,

 Pseudo_Chi_Sq_Max = 12.0,

 LR_Scale_Fact = 1.5,

 Epsilon = -1.0e+39,

 SigMin = 0.03,

 Pseudo_Pos_SF = 1.0,

 Pseudo_Phot_SF = 0.0,

 X_Window = 20.0,

 Y_Window = 20.0,

 Status_Check_Flag = 0,

 Status_Threshold = 0,

 SNR_Threshold1 = 10.0,

 SNR_Threshold2 = 10.0,

 SNR_Threshold3 = 10.0,

 SNR_Threshold4 = 10.0,

 SNR_Threshold5 = 10.0,

 SNR_Threshold6 = 10.0,

 SNR_Threshold7 = 10.0,

 SNR_Bin1 = 20.0,

 SNR_Bin2 = 50.0,

 SNR_Bin3 = 100.0,

 SNR_Bin4 = 200.0,

 SNR_Bin5 = 500.0,

 SNR_Bin6 = 1000.0,

 SNR_Bin7 = 2000.0,

 SNR_Bin8 = 5000.0,

 SNR_Bin9 = 10000.0,

 Warning_Max = 10,

 NL_print = 1,