Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools
Contribute Your Own Software

Thank you for contributing your Spitzer data reduction and analysis software or other web resources!

If you are simply pointing us to an existing web resource, contact us at the Helpdesk. If you are contributing software, please keep reading.

Due to recent increases in the amount of spam received via our software submission form, we have elected to suspend usage of the electronic submission form. We provide alternate instructions for software submission below. Thank you for understanding.

  • All required fields are in bold
  • To submit software, contact us at the Helpdesk with the following information included:



Email Address:

Will you answer users' questions? (Yes or No)

Is this a new software submission, a new version of previously submitted software, or a resubmission of software due to an error made in submission?

Software Name:

Latest Version Number:

Software Header:
(Short description - will be posted on the Software List page (90 character maximum:)

Software Description or Function:
(Detailed Description)

URL of web site on which the software is available:

Is this where the software should permanently live, or should we grab it and post it here on the Spitzer site?

URL of web site on which information about the software is available:
(if same as above, leave blank)

Operating system(s) and Version(s) on which software is designed to run:

Type of distribution ("source code", "compiled code", or "both"):

Language (only needed if "source code" or "both" is specified in previous question):

  • If you maintain a web site from which users can download the software, we will post a link to it. If you would like users to download the software from our site, please let us know how we should pick up a tarball from you.
  • The software page will list your e-mail address so users may contact you unless you indicated above that you do not wish to answer users' questions. (You must fill in your email address so we can contact you in either case.)
  • Please contact us at the Helpdesk if you have any problems or questions about the required information.