Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools
Contributed Software - General

Contributed Software relevant for general Spitzer data reduction and analysis.

Tiny Tim is a program for computing point spread function (PSF) models and has been in wide use by the Hubble Space Telescope community since 1991. This new version was specifically developed for Spitzer in early 2000.
User-friendly, graphical-user-interface software for viewing FITS files and performing aperture photometry.
IDL procedure to calculate source coordinates as seen by an observatory correcting for annual parallax and proper motion.
Code to estimate the zodiacal light at each Spitzer band at any time during the mission.
Website that includes a browser to search for model SEDs of YSOs at a variety of evolutionary stages for a large range of parameters, and ASCII files with convolved fluxes and magnitudes (including IRAC and MIPS) for all of the models. Also available is a tool which allows users to enter photometry (e.g. IRAC and MIPS photometry, or points from an IRS spectrum) and search for all of the models in the grid which provide a good fit.
Synthesizes images of debris disks based on the Kelsall et al. 1998 model of the COBE DIRBE infrared background using an adaptive-mesh type algorithm.
A catalog of models of irradiated accretion disks around pre-main sequence stars by D'Alessio et al. (1998,1999,2001). Radial profiles of the detailed vertical structure and synthetic SEDs can be browsed and downloaded from this catalog. Includes IRAC flux predictions.
Several different Monte Carlo Radiation Transfer codes.
Several different web pages and programs ("tool boxes") for the analysis of astronomical objects that emit primarily in the wavelength range 2 um to 1 mm
Web resource providing convolution kernels that convert a higher resolution IRAC/MIPS PSF to lower resolution IRAC/MIPS PSF.
DPhot finds and measures point sources and extended sources for IRAC and MIPS. The program places a closely-spaced grid (small fraction of FWHM) over the area of interest and writes a matrix in which each coefficient is the flux value at a BCD data pixel due to a PRF at a grid point. A linear least-squares fit to the flux values in the BCD frames yields the best-fitting set of flux densities and shapes of the observed objects. DPhot uses no prior positions or templates and uses the BCD flux values without a mosaic.