Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools

Purpose: DPhot finds and measures point sources and extended sources for IRAC and MIPS. A linear least-squares fit to the flux values in the BCD frames yields the best-fitting set of flux densities and shapes of the observed objects.

Author: Dave Elliot (JPL retired)
Date Contributed: 18 Sep 2008
System Requirements: Fortran

Information and Download

Software is available from delliott3@charter.net.
Download a demo version of DPhot (Zip File, 2.36 MB)

DPhot finds and measures point sources and extended sources for IRAC and MIPS. The program places a closely-spaced grid (small fraction of FWHM) over the area of interest and writes a matrix in which each coefficient is the flux value at a BCD data pixel due to a PRF at a grid point. A linear least-squares fit to the flux values in the BCD frames yields the best-fitting set of flux densities and shapes of the observed objects. DPhot uses no prior positions or templates and uses the BCD flux values without a mosaic.