Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools

Purpose: Removes the pipeline dark correction from BCD FITS files and adds a user-defined dark calibration file.

Author: Jessica Krick
Date Contributed: 24 Nov 2020
System Requirements: IDL

Information and Download

Download change_dark_calibrate.pro (18 KB)

Removes the pipeline dark correction from BCD FITS files and adds a user-defined dark calibration file. The dark calibration can not just be removed, but instead needs to be backed out along with the other calibrations in the opposite order of how they were applied in the IRAC pipeline. The header is then updated with the filename of the user defined dark.

The main code is called change_dark_calibrate.pro, and an example of how to call it is:

change_dark_calibrate, '2', 'r71326720', '/Users/jkrick/external/irac_warm/subarr_phot/pid1367/', '/Users/jkrick/external/irac_warm/darks/staring/staringdark_s2s_ch2.fits'