Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools

Purpose: The program enables the user to interactively identify and correct the common image artifacts in IRAC BCDs.

Author: Joseph L. Hora (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
Date Contributed: 24 September 2020
System Requirements: Linux, other systems where one can recompile C programs and run IRAF

imclean was written by Joseph L. Hora (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) and is provided "as is" for testing and usage by other observers. This software is not considered part of the pipeline and no installation support from IRSA should be expected. Please send your comments or questions about the use or installation of the software to jhora{@}cfa.harvard.edu (remove the {} from the email address first).

Information and Download

Download 20200924_imclean.tar.gz (Tar File, 15 MB)

imclean is an IRAF script that displays a set of IRAC images specified by the user. One can then select an individual image and correct artifacts such as muxbleed, column pulldown, banding, and striping. One can also mask out regions so that they are not included in the final mosaics. The corrections can be applied to subsections of the image, or the entire image, depending on which interactive commands are selected. This software works on both cryogenic and warm IRAC data.

This software has been tested on Linux. It should work on other systems where one can recompile C programs and run IRAF.

Please see imclean_docs.pdf (PDF, 18 MB) for more information on the software (this pdf is also included in the tarball).