Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools

Purpose: IDL-based processing and analysis tool for Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) data

Author: IRS Instrument Team (Cornell)
Date Contributed: 07 Feb 2005; update 29 Oct 2007
System Requirements: IDL v5.5 or higher

Information and Download

Full information on how to download, install, set up and run SMART can be found on the SMART Release page at Cornell, along with full user documentation.

SMART is an IDL-based software tool, developed by the IRS Instrument Team at Cornell University, that allows users to perform real-time processing and analysis of IRS data.

How does SMART differ from SPICE?

SPICE allows spectral extractions using standard pipeline modules via a user-friendly GUI. Output spectra are in IPAC table format, matching the pipeline output. SPICE offers two extraction algorithms: "regular" and "optimal". The regular algorithm works well for bright point sources. Extended sources can be extracted, but the absolute calibration must be checked against broadband photometric sources to account for the unknown convolution of the source brightness distribution and the beam pattern. The optimal extraction algorithm is especially suited for faint point sources as it weights the extraction by the instrumental PSF and signal-to-noise of each pixel. SPICE is not designed for spectral analysis subsequent to extraction.

SMART also allows spectral extractions via a GUI. The main extraction algorithm in SMART ("Tapered Column") and the "regular" extraction algorithm in SPICE produce equivalent calibrated spectra. In addition to the standard extraction methods, SMART also allows flexible spectral extractions such as the use of relative spectral response functions. SMART is also a data analysis package which enables combining individual exposures, cleaning images via an embedded call to IRSCLEAN, measuring line fluxes, and blackbody fitting.

The IRS IST recommends using the extensive, user-friendly extraction/calibration features of SPICE to obtain spectra, and then using the unique measurement/line-fitting capabilities of SMART to measure scientifically useful parameters.