Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools
Downloading and Installing CUPID

Download and Installation Instructions

Two kinds of CUPID tarballs are available:

  1. CUPID_V2.0.tar is 1 Gb and contains all of the calibration files for all IRS compaigns.

  2. CUPID_V2.0_NOCAL.tar is only 204 Mb, but comes with no calibration files. If you choose to download this version, you will have to access the Spitzer Heritage Archive for the calibration files necessary to reduce your data set.

If you downloaded the large CUPID tarball which includes all of the calibration files (CUPID_V2.0.tar):

Untar the CUPID tar file:
unix% tar xvf CUPID_V2.0.tar
This will create a directory called CUPID_V2.0/. Add the cupid binary (CUPID_V2.0/cupid) to your path.

If you downloaded the smaller CUPID tarball which does not include all of the calibration files (CUPID_V2.0_NOCAL.tar),

unix% tar xvf CUPID_V2.0_NOCAL.tar
This will create a directory called CUPID_V2.0_NOCAL. Add the cupid binary (CUPID_V2.0_NOCAL/cupid) to your path.

Running CUPID

CUPID is run on the command line with the following syntax:

unix% cupid [parameters] [options]
For a full description of the parameters, please see the CUPID User's Guide.

CUPID Source Code

CUPID is written in C. The CUPID source can be found in the src/ subdirectory of the CUPID installation. Expert users may wish to consult the source to determine exactly what a module is doing to the data. Users who wish to compile the source will need additional libraries. These include libraries developed by the Spitzer Science Center. They also include some proprietary libraries which users will have to obtain for themselves. Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to support users who wish to compile the source.