Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools
GeRT User's Guide


Chapter 1.     Introduction.

Important Documentation.

1.1        Getting Help.

1.2        GeRT Updates.

1.3        GeRT Download and Setup Instructions.

1.4        BCD Processing.

1.5        How to Run the GeRT.

1.6        My edited namelist files don't seem to work.

1.7        Pipeline Summary.

1.8        GeRT Products.

1.8.1         SLOPER Products:

1.8.2         CALER Intermediate Products:

1.8.3         BCD Products (OUTdir/bcd directory)

1.8.4         Calibration Pipeline Products.

Chapter 2.     Use Cases for the GeRT

2.1        Second-Pass Filtering.

2.1.1         Bright Point Source Filtering at 70 micron

2.1.2         Extended Source Filtering at 70 micron (with no column filtering)

2.2        Bright Source Filtering at 160 micron

2.3        Correcting Bad Stim Solutions for Bright Regions.

2.4        Recovering Saturated Data.

2.4.1         Saturated Stim (Stim+Sky) Data.

2.4.2         Saturated Source Data.

Chapter 3.     GeRT Binaries.

3.1        CVTI2R4G

3.2        SATURATION

3.3        ELECNL.

3.4        RESET.

3.5        RADHIT.

3.6        SLOPE.

3.7        FUSION

3.8        MASKWRITE.

3.9        STACKLAYER

3.10     INTERP.

3.11     SLOPECAL.

3.12     COLMN_FLTR

3.13     GETLAYER

3.14     ge_mask_pointsource.

3.15     mips_ge_mask.h.

3.16     IMHEADER

3.17     MIPSFLAT.

3.18     MIPSDARK

Chapter 4.     GeRT Scripts.

4.1        gert*.pl

4.2        cleanup*.tcsh.

4.3        bcd2cube.pl

4.4        cube2bcd.pl

4.5        mips/w_mips_rfitshead.pl

4.6        mips/w_mips_cdfblock.pl

4.7        mips/w_mips_ensembles_files.pl

4.8        mk_*gert.tcsh.