Parameter names in the command line version |
Parameter names in the GUI version |
| |
Switch on/off (1/0) module | Module name in GUI |
| |
compute_uncertainties_internally | S/N estimator |
have_uncertainties | N/A (assumed to be 1 if uncertainty image is given in Sigma File Name) |
run_detect_medfilter | Detect Med Filter |
run_gaussnoise | Gauss Noise |
run_pointsourceprob | Point Source Probability |
run_bright_detect | Bright Detect |
run_detect | Detect |
run_select_detect | Select Detect |
run_extract_medfilter | Extract Med Filter |
run_fit_radius | Fit Radius |
run_sourcestimate | Source Estimate |
run_aperture | Aperture Photometry |
run_select | Select |
| |
| Initial Setup |
INPUT_FILE_NAME | Input File Name |
SIGMA_FILE_NAME | Sigma File Name |
COVERAGE_MAP | Coverage Map |
OUTPUT_DIR | Output Directory |
PMASK_FILE_NAME | N/A (see Table Footnote) |
PMask_Fatal_BitPattern | N/A |
RMask_Fatal_BitPattern | N/A |
verbose | N/A** |
| |
| Apex single frame settings |
PRF_file_name | PRF File Name |
DCE_Status_Mask_Fatal_BitPattern | Fatal Mask Bit Pattern |
use_psp_to_detect | Use PSP to detect |
PROBABILITY_THRESHOLD | Probability Threshold |
use_background_subtracted_image_for_fitting | Use Background Subtracted Image for Fitting |
use_data_unc_for_fitted_SNR | Use Data Uncertainties for PRF-fitted SNR |
use_background_subtracted_image_for_aperture | Use Background Subtracted Image for Aperture |
use_extract_table_for_aperture | Use Extract Table for Aperture |
use_refined_pointing | Use Refined Pointing |
use_bright_object_mask | Use Bright Object Mask |
delete_intermediate_files | Delete Intermediate Files |
| |
SNESTIMATORIN | S/N estimator |
Gain | Gain in e-/image unit |
Read_Noise | Read Noise in e- |
Confusion_Sigma | Confusion Sigma in e- |
SIGMA_DIR*** | S/N estimator output subdirectory |
| |
DETECT_MEDFILTER | Detect Med Filter |
Window_X | Window X |
Window_Y | Window Y |
N_Outliers_Per_Window | Outliers / Window |
Min_Good_Pixels_In_Window | Min Good Pixels Per Window |
Min_GoodNeighbors_Number | Min Good Neighbors Number |
Sbkg_Filt_Size_for_Med | SExtractor background filter size |
Use_Sbkg_for_Med | Use SExtractor background estimation |
MEDFILTER_DIR*** | Med Filter output subdirectory |
Max_Bad_Pixels_OutputImage | N/A** |
| |
GAUSSNOISE | Gauss Noise |
Window_X | Window X |
Window_Y | Window Y |
N_Outliers_Per_Window | Number of Outliers per Window |
Min_Good_Pixels_In_Window | Min Good Pixels Per Window |
Min_GoodNeighbors_Number | Min Good Neighbors Number |
Max_BadPixels_OutputImage | N/A** |
| |
POINTSOURCEPROB | Point Source Probability |
PRF_ResampleX_Factor | PRF Resample X Factor |
PRF_ResampleY_Factor | PRF Resample Y Factor |
PRF_Xsize | PRF X size |
PRF_Ysize | PRF y size |
Apriori_Probability | Apriori Probability |
Noise_Type | N/A** |
| |
EXTRACT_MEDFILTER | Extract Med Filter |
Window_X | Window X |
Window_Y | Window Y |
N_Outliers_Per_Window | Outliers / Window |
Min_Good_Pixels_In_Window | Min Good Pixels Per Window |
Min_GoodNeighbors_Number | Min Good Neighbors Number |
Sbkg_Filt_Size_for_Med | SExtractor background filter size |
Use_Sbkg_for_Med | Use SExtractor background estimation |
Max_BadPixels_OutputImage | N/A** |
| |
FIT_RADIUS | Fit Radius |
| |
SOURCESTIMATE | Source Estimate |
InputType | Input Type |
Fitting_Area_X | Fitting Area X |
Fitting_Area_Y | Fitting Area Y |
Max_Number_PS | Max Number ps |
Chi_Threshold | Chi Threshold |
N_Edge | N Edge |
Max_N_Iteration | Max N Iteration |
Max_N_Success_Iteration | Max N Success Iteration |
MinimizeFtol | Minimize Ftol |
MinimizeFtolSuccess | Minimize Ftol Success |
DitherPixelFraction | Dither Pixel Fraction |
DitherFluxFraction | Dither Flux Fraction |
DeblendDitherPixelFraction | DeblendDitherPixelFraction |
Background_Fit | Background_Fit |
Random_Fit | Random_Fit |
Chi2_Improvement | Chi2_Improvement |
PRF_ResampleX_Factor | PRF ResampleX Factor |
PRF_ResampleY_Factor | PRF ResampleY Factor |
Normalization_Radius | Normalization Radius |
MaxShift_X | Max Shift X |
MaxShift_Y | Max Shift Y |
Angular_Distance | Angular Distance |
Use_Photerr_for_SNR | Use Photerr for SNR |
Gain_for_SNR | Gain of SNR (e-/data) |
| |
APERTURE | Aperture Photometry |
N_Apertures | Number of Apertures |
Aperture_Radius_1 | Aperture Radius 1 |
Aperture_Radius_2 | Aperture Radius 2 |
Aperture_Radius_3 | Aperture Radius 3 |
Aperture_Radius_4 | Aperture Radius 4 |
Aperture_Radius_5 | Aperture Radius 5 |
Min_Number_Pixels | Min Number Pixels |
Annulus_Compute_Type | Annulus Compute Type |
Inner_Radius | Inner Radius |
Outer_Radius | Outer Radius |
X_Column_Name | X Column Name |
Y_Column_Name | Y Column Name |
High_Precision | High Precision |
Use_Annulus | Use Annulus |
| |
SELECT | Select |
select_columns = "srcid, detid, etc" | Columns selection |
select_conditions = "SNR>6.0 and dblend ! NO etc" | Condition Builder |