Important Notes: The mosaic produced by this module should only be used for checking the results of the Background Matching. Do not use it for science. To create a science-quality mosaic, use the Mosaic pipeline.
This module produces a quick mosaic of the interpolated, overlap-corrected images produced during the Overlap pipeline.
Mosaic CoAdder: TILEMAX_X, TILEMAX_Y: (int) The size of output Tiles (see ยง8.1) can be specified. For small mosaics, these numbers should be larger than the expected output size to avoid tiling.
TILEMAX_X = 2000,
TILEMAX_Y = 2000,
Tile BCD file (coadd_tile_bcd.txt): This text file, coadd_tile_bcd.txt, lists the input images that contribute to each output tile. The format of the file is the tile ID, the number of contributing images, and the image index within the stack.
Tile table (coadd_tiles.tbl): This output table, coadd_tiles.tbl, lists the output tile names, together with their size and their X and Y offsets from the origin of the FIF coordinate system.
Combined Mosaic Image File (mosaic.fits): The output mosaic, mosaic.fits. This images is a combination of the individual tiles, if multiple tiles are created.
The Tiles and associated tables are written to the Coadd-overlap subdirectory. The mosaic is written to the main output directory.
Since the interpolated images have already been created, the newly computed overlap correction for each frame is applied to the interpolated images, and the corrected frames are co-added with a simple average into a single mosaic. This mosaic should be considered a browse quality product only, and is a quick and dirty way to examine the results of overlap correction. Mosaic uncertainty images are not created, and the weighted coadd options used in the MosaicPipeline are not available. Large mosaics may be tiled. This module runs the equivalent of Mosaic CoAdder and Mosaic Combine.
The output tables, text files, individual tile images, and coverage images are written to the Coadd directory under the output directory specified in Output Directory in the Initial Setup module. The combined mosaic is written to the main output directory. This file may be overwritten by other coaddition modules (e.g. the Mosaic Combine module in the MosaicPipeline).