Important Notes: The preliminary coverage map, covg_map.fits is written to the top-level output directory, <output_dir>.
This module produces a preliminary coverage map covering the whole FIF for use in the later module, Mosaic RMask. The mosaic may be broken up into tiles in order to avoid memory allocation problems if the mosaic is very large (see ยง8.1)
Tile Max X (Y): (int) The X (Y) size in pixels of a tile when making a large mosaic image. The default values are 2000.
TILEMAX_X = 500,
TILEMAX_Y = 500,
Coverage Map Tile Table (covg_TilesList.tbl): A table listing the tiles of the coverage map, including their sizes and offsets in the x- and y-directions from the FIF.
Coverage Map Tile list (covg_Tile_*.fits): The individual tiles of the coverage map.
Coverage Map (covg_map.fits): The preliminary coverage map over the whole FIF.
The output tiles are written into the Rmask-mosaic/ subdirectory. The preliminary coverage map is written to the top-level output directory.