Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools
MOPEX User's Guide

5.6.24    Mosaic Modules: Make Array Correction Mosaic

Command Line Equivalent: make_array_corr_mosaic

Default Output Directory: <output_dir>/Combine-mosaic

Depends On: Mosaic Settings


Important Notes: For use with IRAC data only. Only required if you are analyzing sources with a spectral energy distribution that is "blue", that is, falling with wavelength through the IRAC passbands.



Creates a mosaic of the Array Location-Dependent Correction frames for correcting IRAC photometry extracted from a mosaic.



Requires the Array Correction frames - see previous section.



Example settings for IRAC1:

make_array_corr_files = 1

make_array_corr_mosaic = 1

ARRAY_CORR_IMAGE = cal/ch1_photcorr_rj.fits

ARRAY_PIXAREA_IMAGE = cal/ch1relpixarea.fits


For further discussion, see the file starting with README_arraycorr in the Mopex download readme sub-directory.



Array Correction mosaic (mosaic_arraycorr.fits): The mosaic of the Array Correction frames.



For use with IRAC data only.  This module creates a mosaic of the Array Correction frames, with the same spatial extent and location as the mosaic of BCDs.


The Array Correction frames get header information frm the input BCD's as described in the previous section. The modified Array Correction frames are then mosaicked together, to create an Array Correction mosaic that matches the spatial boundaries of the science mosaic.


The final product allows users to correct their photometry for array location dependence issues when observing blue sources. In this case, “blue” means anything with a spectral energy distribution that is falling through the IRAC passbands and, in practice, includes most galactic and many extragalactic sources. For more information on the array location-dependent correction, and how to apply it to your photometry, see the IRAC Instrument Handbook. This is not an issue with MIPS data.