Relevant Pipelines: APEX Multiframe; APEX User List Multiframe
Important Notes: This module is only required in Multiframe mode. If the APEX pipeline is appended to a Mosaic pipeline, and you intend to use the mosaic.fits file from Mosaic as input into APEX, this module should be omitted from the flow. Note that you must have checked the Keep coadded Tiles box in the Mosaic CoAdder module in the Mosaic pipeline.
This module combines the co-added tiles into a mosaicked image. Even if the co-addition has been done in a single tile, this module must be run in order to produce the expected outputs.
Mosaic Combiner output subdirectory: The subdirectory of <output_dir> that you wish to use for the output files. Default is Combine-apex.
In Global Parameters:
COMBINER_DIR = Combine-apex
Median Tile BCD File (Coadd-apex/coadd_median_tile_bcd.txt): This text file lists the input images that contribute to each output tile of the median mosaic. The format of the file is the tile ID, the number of contributing images, and the image index within the stack.
Median Tile Table (Coadd-apex/coadd_median_tiles.tbl): A table listing the tiles of the median mosaic, their sizes, and their offsets in the x- and y-directions with respect to the FIF.
Mosaic Median File (median_mosaic.fits): The output median mosaic.
Mosaic image File (mosaic.fits): The output mosaic FITS image. When displayed in the GUI, the footprint of the interpolated input images is overlaid on the mosaic. It may be turned off using the "Mosaic" check box in the display window.
Mosaic uncertainty File (mosaic_unc.fits): The output uncertainty mosaic.
Mosaic coverage File (mosaic_cov.fits): The output coverage mosaic.
After module Mosaic CoAdder produces individual tiles, this module stitches together all tiles into a big mosaic. Even if the co-addition was done in a single tile, this module must still be run in order to produce the expected outputs.
Not all of the output files above will be produced by Mosaic Combine. Many will only be produced if requested in either APEX Settings or Mosaic CoAdder.
This module is only required in the APEX flow when running APEX Multiframe or APEX User List Multiframe. If a mosaic has previously been created using Mosaic then this module can be dropped from the APEX flow, and the mosaicking results used as input instead. Note that the APEX pipeline does not carry out any outlier rejection when combining the input images into a mosaic. In order to use an outlier rejection scheme, you must run Mosaic and use the output from Mosaicas input into APEX. See ยง6.3.1 for instructions on how to do this.