Relevant Pipelines: APEX Single Frame; APEX Multiframe
This module selects columns and rows from the Detect output table that satisfy user specified constraints.
Columns selection:
srcid: Extracted source number.
x: x-coordinate of source in the mosaic (pixels).
y: y-coordinate of source in the mosaic (pixels).
flux: Peak pixel flux of the point source. Units are specified in the header. Currently set to microJy.
blendId: Keeps track of the sequential number of a detection blend in the table.
Blend_size: Gives the number of detections in the blend.
Condition Builder: Some simple selection ranges, such as > and <, can be added.
In Global Parameters:
select_columns = "srcid, x, y, flux, BlendId, BlendSize"
select_conditions = "BlendSize < 5 and flux > 20"
Output Table: The Detect table (mosaic_detect.tbl) is overwritten with the selected data. The full output of Detect is retained in the raw Detect table (mosaic_detect_raw.tbl).
Normally, the user might want to select out very big blends, since point source extraction may not be reliable for them. Another use would be to remove the BlendSize (column header “deblend_size”) and BlendId (column header “deblend_id”) columns, which prevents MOPEX from carrying out passive deblending.