Set up the initial input files for the PRF Estimate flow. You can set either the Input File or the Image Stack file, depending on whether you wish to run PRF Estimate on a single image or a stack of images.
Input File: The single input image to be used to measure the PRF, if you wish to use a single image as input. Either set this or Image Stack File.
Image Stack File: The list of images to be used to measure the PRF, if you wish to use a stack of images as input. Either set this or Input File.
Point Source List: The list of point sources that you wish to use to calculate the PRF. The table must be in IPAC format, and is usually a source list output by APEX, edited to only include the sources that you wish to use.
Output Directory: The output directory that you wish to use for this PRF Estimate run.
INPUT_FILE_NAME = mosaic_M1.fits
IMAGE_STACK_FILE_NAME = M1/imagelist.txt
POINT_SOURCE_LIST = prf_stars.tbl
OUTPUT_DIR = output_prfestimate_M1
verbose = 1
NICE = 1
save_namelist = 1
Verbose, NICE and save_namelist are only available on the command line. See ยง9.4.2.3 for more information.
You have the choice of using either a single input file or a stack of BCDs to create the PRF. Entering a filename for one of the parameters, Input File or Image Stack File, in the GUI will cause the other to disappear from the Initial Setup options. On the command line, be sure to enter only one of the two inputs.