Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools
MOPEX User's Guide

7.5.2        PRF Estimate Modules: PRF Estimate Initial Setup

Command Line Equivalent: None

Default Output Directory: N/A

Depends on: Initial Setup



Set up the input files specific to the PRF Estimate pipeline.



AnnealStatus Filename: The output file name of a table containing diagnostic information about the fitting used to estimate point source flux and position. The default file name is FitStat.tbl.


PRF Coverage Filename: The name of the output coverage map corresponding to the output PRF image. Default is PRFCov.fits.


PRF Filename: The name of the output PRF image. Default is PRF.fits.


PRF Sigma Filename: The name of the output uncertainty image corresponding to the output PRF. Default is PRFSigma.fits.


Star Filename: The name of an optional output image file created using the computed PRF and placing the point source at the center of the central pixel of the image.


StatusList Filename: The name of the status file listing all the input images, along with whether or not they were used to create the PRF. If they were not used, the reason for rejection is also listed.


Use Refined Pointing: Check this to use the alternate FITS pointing keywords created by the offline pointing refinement script (pointing_refine.pl). Do not switch this on unless you have manually run pointing refinement outside of the normal BCD pipeline products. Most users will never use this option, as pointing refinement is not recommended for Spitzer data. If you believe that there is a problem with the pointing of your data with respect to e.g. the 2MASS catalog, please email the Spitzer Helpdesk for assistance.



In the Global Parameters section of the namelist:

AnnealStatus_file_name = FitStat.tbl

PRF_Coverage_file_name = PRFCov.fits

PRF_file_name = PRF.fits

PRF_Sigma_file_name = PRFSigma.fits

Star_file_name = star.fits

StatusList_file_name = Status.txt






