In this dialog panel, the user assigns input filenames to a list for Batch processing. The input list consists of triplets of: image, mask and uncertainty files. The list may be created interactively or read from a file. The output directory is also defined. All are required inputs. Based on the selected input image file, SPICE will automatically assign default filenames for the calibration and output files.
Current Output Directory: Select directory for all outputs to be written. SPICE will create the output directory if it does not exist.
Image File: Select a FITS image file to added to the Batch List.
Mask File: Select a FITS mask file associated with the image file selected. Note that the mask must be integer data, not floating point. SPICE will attempt to automatically select this file for you (see second note below).
Uncertainty File: Select a FITS uncertainty file associated with the image file selected. SPICE will attempt to automatically select this file for you (see second note below).
Batch List: The list of input triplets (image, mask, uncertainty) is displayed in the Batch List window (see Discussion below for the required format). Each filename separated by commas. The available list operations are:
Remove: Removes the selected triplet from the list.
Remove all: Clears the list.
Read from file: The Batch List can be read from a file instead of being created interactively. It must have the correct Batch List format.
Write to file: Writes the current Batch List to a file that can be read into later Batch processing flows.
Note: Identical parameters will be used for the extraction of all sources in the Batch List. The user should be careful when mixing BCDs in different channels.
Note: SPICE will attempt to find the corresponding mask and uncertainty files within the input directory based on a 'best match' algorithm plus appropriate suffix based on the image filename. The user may override these selected files. The 'best match' algorithm may find more than one file. SPICE will indicated this in the box next to: "# of Best Match Mask Files" and "# of Best Match Uncertainty Files" The user is responsible for ensuring that the correct files were selected.
When this module is run, the entire batch processing is executed. See ยง1.4: Running SPICE in Batch Mode for a full discussion.
SPICE will automatically assign default parameter values in the processing flow based on the channel and calibration version information contained in the input image header.
Batch List Format: The Batch List must be a three-column list of image-, bitmask-, and uncertainty-files. The list should be comma separated. The full path of each file must be given.