Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools
SPICE User's Guide

A.4    Ridge

To run, type:

unix% ridge <option flag> <specification>


where the options are as follows:                    


-p         The output table from running the Profile module in the previous step.


-f         The *fov.tbl file, which codes the order to be extracted for each FOVID, the default ridge location, and the extraction aperture width at a fiducial wavelength.


-m        The number of points to use for median filtering (LO-RES only). Must be ODD.


-s         The number of sigma to require the peak to be above the mean (LO-RES only). Must be between 0.0 and 10 (inclusive). The default is 5.


-g         The width, given in plus-or-minus percent of the array in the cross-dispersion direction, to be analyzed, centered on expected position (LO-RES only). Allowed values are floats from 0.0 to 100, default is 100.0. e.g. if you wish to include 25% of the array either side of the profile center, giving you a total extraction width of 50% of the array, you would set a value of 25.0.


-glo      Explicitly specify the low-end cutoff of g (LO-RES only). Allowed values are specified in percent, and are floats from 0.0 to 100. Default is to use the value set by the flag –g.


-ghi      Explicitly specify the high-end cutoff of g (LO-RES only). Allowed values are specified in percent, and are floats from 0.0 to 100. Default is to use the value set by the flag –g.


-o         The output table containing the x,y position of the peak for each order and each wavelength. Default is <input file>.ridge.tbl.


-i          The name of the *wavsamp.tbl file. This file specifies the location of the spectral orders on the array in x-y coordinates. It consists of pseudorectangles, which describe the fractional pixels that comprise each wavelength in the spectrum. You should choose the appropriate file in the cal/ subdirectory of your SPICE installation. The file you choose should match both the Spitzer pipeline version with which your data were processed and the IRS module with which you are working.


-c         Explicitly select the ridge position (a percentage fromo 0.0 to 100.0). The default is to compute the position automatically from the profile.


-v         Level of verbosity. Integer. Default value = 1.


-n         Name of a namelist file listing all the input parameters. This can be used instead of specifying all of the flags on the command line. Default is namelist.nl.


The RIDGE module outputs a table, *.ridge.tbl, containing the x,y position of the peak for each order and each wavelength.