Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools
SPICE User's Guide

A.5    Extract

To run, type:

unix% extract <option flag> <specification>


Where the options are as follows:       


-i                The name of the input 2D spectrum from which you wish to extract a 1D spectrum.


-o               The name of the output table, which will contain the 1D spectrum in units of electrons per second.


-b               The name of the mask file that goes with the input 2D spectrum.


-fix            This controls if the NaNs should be replaced with approximated values before doing extraction. A value of 0 means “don’t replace”, while an integer, N, means that for each NaN pixel, the N rows above and N rows below are averaged column by column within the order, and then a line is fit to these column averages to approximate the NaN. Default is 2.


-nanDrop   Wavelength bins with NaNs will be removed from the output spectrum if this is set to 1. Default is 0, with the NaN fluxes set to -9999.


-f               Fatal bit pattern for BMasks. See Appendix B for the allowed values and a description of how to calculate the fatal bit pattern. See §1.6 for the mask bit definitions. Default = 16384.


-e               The name of the uncertainty file that goes with the input 2D spectrum.


-r                The name of the output table from running the Ridge module in the previous step.


-ord            This refers to the spectral order, and is used for low-resolution extractions only. You can set this to:


·         0 (as targeted; default)

·         1

·         2 (2+bonus)

·         99 (1+2+bonus)


-p               The name of the *psf_fov.tbl calibration table which codes the order to be extracted for each FOVID, the default ridge location, and the extraction aperture width at a fiducial wavelength.


-height1     Sets the wavsamp height. Set to 1 to force the wavsamp height to be 1 pixel; set to 0 to use actual height. Default = 0.


-w              Width (in pixels) of the extraction aperture at the reference wavelength. Default for HI-RES is to use full width of the order, and for LO-RES to use the value given in the psf_fov table (specified with the "-p" flag).


-l                Reference wavelength (in microns) of the aperture width specified with the "-w" flag. A value of 0 selects a constant width extraction aperture. Default is to to use the value given in the psf_fov table specified by the "-p" flag.


-full           Extraction type;  0 = sub_slit and 1 = full_slit. Default is sub-slit if all of the following are true: (a) the "-w" flag is not explicitly set, (b) this is not a HI-RES observation, (c) this is not a LO-RES center position observation.


-over          Name of output overlay file.


-norm         Normalize the fluxes. Default = 0:

·         0 = no normalization

·         1 = divide by height of wavsamp rectangle

·         2 = divide by area of wavsamp rectangle

For S18.7 and later, set this to 1 for SL,LL,LH and 0 for SH.

For S17.2, set this to 1 for LH and 0 for SL,LL,SH.

Set this to 0 for all previous CAL_SET versions.


-v               Level of verbosity. Default = 1


-n               Name of a namelist file listing all the input parameters. This can be used instead of specifying all of the flags on the command line. Default is namelist.nl.