Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools
SPICE User's Guide

1.6            BMask Status Bits

The *bmask.fits files provide status information for each pixel in the input image. During extraction, pixels masked as “fatal” do not contribute to the spectrum. By default, the online pipeline defines bits 7, 12, 13,and 14 as fatal. In the Extract module, the user can change the definition of fatal bitmask conditions using the pull down menu. This change may improve the fidelity of features in the final spectrum or, more often, the cosmetic appearance of the continuum.


The definition of bit-setting conditions in the *bmask.fits files are given in Table 1.6.1. For a full discussion of the bitmask, see Appendix B of this manual and the IRS Instrument Handbook.


Table 1.6.1:  BMask conditions

Bit #  Condition

-----  -------------------------------------------------

0      (not used)

1      Latent-image flag

2      Digital saturation detected in sample(s) along ramp

3      Radhit detection along ramp in sample(s) along ramp

4      Non-linearity correction could not be computed in

       sample(s) along ramp

5      Data bad (initial dmask; radhit checks this bit) in

       sample(s) along ramp

6      Droop or rowdroop removed using questionable value in

       sample(s) along ramp

7      Flat field applied using questionable value (flatap)

8      Flat field could not be applied (flatap)

9      Stray-light removal or crosstalk correction not applied

10     Saturated - beyond correctable non-linearity in sample(s)

       along ramp

11     Data missing in downlink in sample(s) along ramp

12     Only one usable plane

13     No usable planes

14     Pixel masked in pmask

15     (reserved: sign bit)