1. OVERVIEW. Script easymosaic.pl should be used to quickly create browse quality mosaics (quick and dirty). Script easymosaic.pl uses no namelists. The only input is either a list of input images: easymosaic.pl ListofImages.lis or a wild card path: easymosaic.pl SPITZER.1*bcd.fits. It produces four mosaic images: mosaic.fits, the coverage map mosaic_cov.fits, the uncertainty mosaic based on the data scatter mosaic_std.fits, and the median mosaic median_mosaic.fits. The results never get overwritten. The output directory is named mosaic:<date>:<time>, e.g. mosaic:28Mar2005:9h11m13s The options, normally set in the namelist for mosaic.pl, are hardcoded in easymosaic.pl. Running on the 28th of March, 2005, at 9:11:13 am the following easymosaic.pl ListofImages.lis is equivalent to running mosaic.pl with the following namelist: have_uncertainties = 0 compute_uncertainties_internally = 0 run_fiducial_image_frame = 1 run_mosaic_interp = 1 run_mosaic_coadder = 1 run_mosaic_combiner = 1 run_median_mosaic = 1 NICE = 0 verbose = 1 delete_intermediate_files = 0 MOSAIC_PIXEL_RATIO_X = 1 MOSAIC_PIXEL_RATIO_Y = 1 OUTPUT_DIR = mosaic:28Mar2005:9h11m13s COMBINER_DIR = ./ &FIDUCIALIMAGEFRAMEIN CROTA2 = -30., &END &MOSAICINTIN INTERP_METHOD = 3, GRID_RATIO = 1, &END &MOSAICCOADDIN &END Written by David Makovoz Send questions to the IRSA helpdesk