The software in this package performs pointing refinement for FITS images.
  This goal is achieved by minimizing the discrepancy between the positions of 
  point sources matched in each pair of the images. Global minimization of
  the cumulative discrepancy with respect to small changes in the pointing
  of the input images is implemented using a generic linear sparse matrix solver
  The software has two modes of operation: relative and absolute. 
  In the relative refinement mode the images are made self-consistent. 
  In the absolute mode a list of real point sources is used as one of input 
  lists. This results in fixing the absolute pointing of the input images.
  The processing includes the following steps. Frst, point source extraction 
  is performed by running package. For each input image 
  a list of point sources is created. The list is trimmed using SNR threshold.
  This is done by running select perl script. In the relative mode the point
  source lists then are fed into pointingrefine module, which produces
  an output table with the refined pointing and the uncertainties for each image.
  The refined pointing is also written in the header of each input image
  using new keywords. In the absolute refine mode a list of sources with 
  absolute poining is needed. Module fiducial_image_frame computes an an
  area of the sky that includes in some optimal fashion all of the input images.
  A query to the 2MASS catalog in IRSA database is then made and 
  a list of 2MASS point sources within found that area is created.
  There is an option of running the package with simulated data. In this case
  in the absolute refine mode the list of sources with absolute pointing 
  is replaced with the truth list of point sources used to simulate the images.

  The package includes the executables (bin/), libraries (lib/), perl scripts (bin/), 
  source code (source/), header files (source/), documentation (doc/),
  four sample namelist files (cdf/), a list of input images and Dmasks (data/),
  and a script to set the environment pointingrefine.csh.

  Perl script runs all the modules involved in pointing refinement
  which includes running script to perform single frame
  point source extraction.

   Two sets of images have been included in the package. Firts set 
   is 20 2mass images that have their pointing refined. The images are 
   listed in file data/2mass_ImageList.txt and located in data/2mass. 
   The purpose of including this set is to excersize the functionality 
   of absolute pointing refinement using the IRSA database. 
   The second set  is 20 images simulated by David Shupe at SSC for IRAC chanel 1,
   where the pointing was deliberately changed. The images are 
   listed in the file data/IRAC_refine_ImageList.txt and located in data/IRAC_refine.
   This set comes with the truth list to be used for absolute refinement. 
   Also included are the file with the correct pointing for the 20 images 
   and the truth list used to simulate the IRAC data data/IRAC_truthlist.txt.
  Untar the package and set the environmental variables by sourcing mopex.csh.
       source mopex.csh
  The PERL_PATH will be set automatically. If that doesn't work, please, make sure 
  that PERL_PATH is set to point to the location where your perl is installed.
  Now run the perl script from the command line. Here is the command line to run
  pointing refinement of the 2mass data (data/2mass): -n -N
  When this works you will have the results written in output_2mass/ subdirectory.
  By running -n -N
  pointing refinement is performed on the IRAC data (data/IRAC). The results
  are saved in the output_IRAC/ subdirectory.

  The namelists used are copied to the output directory.
  By default the filenames of the namelists are and
  If you use your own data, you would need to provide a PRF image .
  The details on how to produce those images see doc/PRF-How-To.txt. 

  The input for
Input File	    Default Name      Set in Namelist		Set on Commandline     Required
namelist for       N/A				-n		y                

namelist for           N/A			-N		y

List of 	    image_stack.txt    IMAGE_STACK_FILE_NAME	        -I		y
input images

List of input     	    -          SIGMALIST_FILE_NAME              -S		n
uncertainty images

permamently damaged         -          PMASK_FILE_NAME			-M		n
pixels mask image

list of DCE status 	    -          DCE_STATUS_MASK_LIST		-d		n    
mask images (Dmask)

See README_apex for the description fo input.
 The fatal bit pattern for the D- and P- masks
are set in the namelist for Do not set any input filenames in, such
will be passed down to internally in on the command line.


  The  namelist file contains the namelists for all modules and some 
  input parameters for the script itself. It is expected to be found in the directory
  specified by enironment variable SIRTF_CDF(see below).

  Command line options take precedence over namelist options.

  Here is an excerpt from a namelist file that pertains to script

	run_singleframePSE = 0
	run_fiducial_image_frame = 1
	run_2masscatalog = 1
	run_select = 1
	run_pointingrefine = 1

	IMAGE_STACK_FILE_NAME = 2mass_ImageList.txt
	SIGMALIST_FILE_NAME = output_IRAC/AllSigmaList.txt
	OUTPUT_DIR = output_2mass
	NICE = 1
	select_conditions = "SNR > 10 and deblend ! NO and deblend ! PO and deblend ! AO"
	select_columns = "srcid,detid,RA,delta_RA,Dec,delta_Dec,delta_RAD,flux,delta_flux"
	verbose = 1
	delete_intermediate_files = 1

  The script executes only the modules that are set to 1. In the example above will NOT be called. It is expected to have been executed
  and produced the extraction lists for the input images listed in 2mass_ImageList.txt.
  The extraction lists are expected to be saved in output_2mass directory. 
  Modules fiducial_image_frame, tmasspsc, select and pointingrefine will be executed
  in the order listed. 

  Switch ABSOLUTE_REFINE is set to perform the absolute pointing refinement, 
  as opposed to the relative pointing refinement (see below pointingrefine module).

  select_conditions and select_columns are used by select perl script (see below).

  The script expects to find a list of uncertainty images named 
  output_IRAC/AllSigmaList.txt. Whether or not it will be used 
  depends on the setting in the namelist file.

  All the results will be written in OUTPUT_DIR, which can be
  specified as a relative path, as above, or as an absolute path, 
  e.g. /ssc/pipe/davidm/band4.

  Switch  NICE =1 is used to run all the modules called by the script with "nice +19".

  If delete_intermediate_files switch is set all the extraction lists produced
  by as well as the selected lists produced by select will
  be deleted.


  The following environment variables are used in the script.
  SIRTF_CDF specifies the location of the namelist file, by default it's ./cdf.
  Also the log files for each module are written into that directory

  SIRTF_CAL specifies the location of the PRF image used by,
  by default it's ./cal.

  SIRTF_BIN specifies the location of the executables, it has no useful 
  default, you would have to set it to wherever you copy the executables to.

  SIRTF_ANC specifies the location of the error header files included in the package.
  The default is not useful. 

  Also make sure that the place where you copy the libraries is included in your

  Make sure PERL_PATH is set to point to the location where your perl is installed.

  Here is a short description of the modules.
  See Apex.doc for the description of the single frame point source
  extraction package

  Module fiducial_image_frame creates a fiducial image frame (FIF) 
  that is used by all Post-BCD processes. It generates the WCS parameters 
  for a minimally bounding region that encloses all the input images. If parameter
  CROTA2 is set in the namelist the orientation of the FIF will be defined 
  by this value. Otherwise it will be computed by the module to optimize
  the overlap between the FIF and input images.

  Module tmasspsc generates a list of 2mass point sources located within 
  the FIF. It does so by querying IRSA database accessible online at
  See README_tmasspsc for a more detalied description of the module
  and its usage.

  Perl srcipt select is run to weed out faint and mutilpe point sources.
  To see the tutorial run it wihtout any arguments.
  It reads extracted point source lists produced by and saves 
  in separate files only the columns specified by select_columns. 
  By default, the following columns are saved:
  which is a subset of all the columns generated by the point source
  Only the point sources satisfying the conditions specified by select_conditions are saved.
  The only logical operation to combine different conditions is "and". 
  Symbol "!" is equivalent to "!=" ( not equal).

  Module pointingrefine is the central part of the package. 
  Input are the trimmed lists of point sources extracted 
  from a set of overlapping images.
  The software uses this information to find a "global minimization" 
  of all relative offsets amongst all overlapping images.
  This is a novel method utilizing a generic linear sparse matrix solver.
  The pointings and orientations of images can be refined
  in either a "relative" sense where pointings become fixed relative
  to a single image in the set, or, in an "absolute" sense
  if absolute point source information is known. 
  As an absolute point source list one can use either a subset 
  of the 2MASS catalog (see tmasspsc module) for real data,
  or, for simulated data, the truth list of point sources used 
  to simulate the images.

  The variables in the namelist are defined as follows:

  Max_Search_Radius = The maximum search radius for point source position
                    matching between overlapping frames in units of arcseconds. 
                    If not specified, this will default to 5.0 arcsec. 
                    As a rule of thumb, this should be set to allow for the
                    maximum expected pointing uncertainty (if known apriori)
                    and the maximum uncertainty in the x,y centroids of point
                    sources from extractions:
                         =~ sqrt[sigma^2(centroid) + sigma^2(pointing)]

  Max_Flux_Diff = Maximum allowable percentage flux difference tolerable
                between a point source match. Flux matching is only
                performed between extracted point sources (not with absolutes).
                The default value is 5.0 (%). In general, this is defined:
                100*[ |f1 - f2|/f1 + f2 ] where f1, f2 are the extracted 
                flux of each source in a potential match pair.

  Flux_Threshold = Flux threshold (in source extractor units) above which
                 two sources must satisfy in order to be declared a match.
                 The default value is 0.

  Max_Num_Sources_Per_Image = The maximum number of point sources to use
                            from each source extraction table (per image) if 
                            the number of extractions exceeds this number.
                            The default is 100.

  The module outputs table RefinedPointing.tbl that lists
  the refined pointing and uncertainties for each input image. There is 
  also a QA file named QAlogfile.txt which lists the change in pointing
  for each file along with some other diagnostic information.
  The refined pointing and uncertainties are also written in the header
  of each file using the following keywords.

RARFND  =     82.1180602003437 / [deg] Refined RA
DECRFND =     35.8189421041455 / [deg] Refined DEC
PA_RFND =   0.0386636245264071 / [deg] Refined PA (= -CROTA2_refined)
ERARFND =   0.0057885798536793 / [deg] Error in refined RA
EDECRFND=  0.00550417637885658 / [deg] Error in refined DEC
EPA_RFND=     1.81683424260449 / [deg] Error in refined PA
NASTROM =                    2 / # Astrometric sources for absolute refinement
RARESID =    0.917008969418021 / [arcsec] Residual: Observed-Refined RA
DECRESID=     1.15092098836271 / [arcsec] Residual: Observed-Refined DEC
PA_RESID=     139.189048295066 / [arcsec] Residual: Observed-Refined PA
CD11RFND= -0.00432312097604533 / [deg/pix] Refined CD matrix element 1,1
CD12RFND= -2.89977161921492E-06 / [deg/pix] Refined CD matrix element 1,2
CD21RFND= -2.91727511156294E-06 / [deg/pix] Refined CD matrix element 2,1
CD22RFND=  0.00429718248480607 / [deg/pix] Refined CD matrix element 2,2

  Please consult sds-s8.0_v4.5-pointingrefine.doc for further details.

    1. Trimmed by select point source extraction tables
        Naming convention: <input_image_name>_extract.tbl. 

    2. Fiducial image frame FIF.tbl.

    3. irsa.tbl - the list of 2mass point source in the format provided by 
       the IRSA server.

    4. tmass_list.tbl - the list of 2mass point sources reformatted 
       to be used as input to pointinfrefine module

    5. RefinedPointing.tbl  is an output of pointingrefine
       It is a list of the refined pointing for each input images.
    6. QAlogfile.txt - some QA and diagnostic information produced 
       by pointingrefine.

   Written by David Makovoz
   Send questions to the IRSA helpdesk